New store mount looks great

Prawn crackers…

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You’re still completely missing the point, one does not excuse the other.

It was on my previous 6 months sub, this one renewed 2 months ago and is still running for 4 months.

I still paid 65€ for the current 6 months like everyone else on a 6 months plan.

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Yeah I’ve bought mounts for gold and money before. I don’t really have reservations there if it’s something I want.

The 6 months subscription bundle is what triggers me. That does not sit right with me anymore. It comes off as incredibly tone-deaf from Blizzard’s side.

It is a cool unique mount, would have been great for something like 500 mount achievement, oh wait, Ion doesnt even know what that is. Should put one of the 30 recolors as “free” mount instead.


There is another one datamined on wowhead but shh don’t tell anyone I told you

It is pretty stupid though.

I have also canceled my 6 months subscription. It runs out in August.

If I had chosen to wait with canceling my 6 months subscription until the final day or something like that, then I would get the mount.

But because I canceled already, then I don’t get the mount?!

I mean, why not just give the mount to everyone who already has a 6 months subscription?! :roll_eyes:

I mean, it’s like Blizzard wants to present themselves as a bunch of greedy pricks and idiots.

I don’t particularly care, but still, screw 'em. :expressionless:

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I don’t think that’s true really, I think they give it to those on the recurring with a date so that those who recently renewed don’t have to wait months until their next renewal.

For you it would be August but for me it’s November so if we both planned on renewing as usual you would get the mount in August but I’d have to wait ages but by doing it this way we don’t have to wait months and those who have unsubbed wouldn’t get it if made us wait until our next renewal because you’re not renewing.

Also do you know how weird it is to have this backwards conversation with you, I am not supposed to defend blizz against you Jito!! What have they done!! :joy:

:joy::joy::joy::joy:. Lol.

Hasn’t been white knighting for a while now. Guess the pay checks stopped coming :man_shrugging:t2:

BFA summer store mounts were shadowlands themed , aka upcoming expansion themed.Now this mount is also SL themed ,does that mean … :scream:

Go to hell Blizzard.

50 half arsed reskinned and then hours spent on this. Pathetic.

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Literally, come the hell on.

This thing looks cool, rather than making it a tangible reward in the game, something cool, earned and worthy of effort… it’s a store mount and anything of effort is the same mount but now in a slightly different shade of a red.

Christ, disappointing.

I believe what you’re paying for is “same ol, same ol”.

But if they do tell us, then a portion of players will know the game isn’t for them. Don’t tell us that nothing will change and we’re more likely to keep paying on a hope and a prayer.

What I don’t understand… is why Blizzard haven’t tried building the game around things that have, in the past, worked and been popular. What’s wrong with old valor? What’s wrong with MoP gear upgrades, and WoD PvP? Why can’t we have those 3 things back?

I do find it to be a bit of a wake-up call personally.

If you asked me a few years ago how many times I’ve really criticized Blizzard, then I could count it all on one hand. It’s the Corpse Grinder incident at Blizzcon, the Scroll of Resurrection program not being available in all countries, the banning of a LGTB+ community, and similar past stuff that’s gotten me spewing fire like a volcano.

But recently it feels like I’m hurling abuse at Blizzard on a near daily basis.

That is not a good sign. I mean, personally I’m fine because at my core I’m such a fanboy and a sucker for Blizzard. But not everyone is like me. And someone who has just a slightly more moderate and level-headed relationship with Blizzard will surely look at the company’s recent doings and be royally pissed off. I mean, I find it perfectly understandable and reasonable that so many players are quitting WoW and Blizzard games entirely and that the company is getting so much criticism and bad press all-around.
It’s only because I’m such a fanboy that it doesn’t escalate further. But for lots of other people I fully understand and even expect it to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. And if not this time, then the last time, or next time.

But goodwill and loyalty with their fans? That sure as hell isn’t something Blizzard seem to care much about recently.

I am genuinely disappointed in Blizzard. And that is a sad thing to conclude as a fan.

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It will be sold separately in the future once they are done with the 6 month thing?

It already is on the Online Store and sold separately.

I’m looking forward to it appearing on my account, saw one in Oribos earlier, so pretty.

Not a flying motorcycle or gun-toting, rocket-powered sofa and so my interest in it ends.

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Completely unique animation, absolutely looks great. Can see where the effort goes.