New store mount looks great

Always a good thing to do

I love my freebies, but it’s not why I sub on six monthly recurring. I do it cos it’s slightly cheaper and I’m playing anyway.

If I was bored with the game or wasn’t sure I’d play, then I wouldn’t use this that sub model, I’d go back to monthly.

Oh the store mount is definitely the more shameless cash grab, believe me.
And it’s not to make it about Asmongold, but it’s just to say that it’s difficult to take much of a different position on this anymore. I can usually defend Blizzard on just about any topic. But not this.


I don’t agree. At least the mount is a transparent cashgrab. Blizz don’t try to hide their reasons, while Asmon (and all the other “content creators”) are acting like they’re the best friends of the playerbase, but just printing money with basic tricks like outrage / negativity generates more clicks.

I don’t really care about the mount, but hate those guys that want to ride the hate train for some quick bucks. (Moreover creating negativity just ruins the fun for some people)


So when it’s out? I’m on a rolling six month sub and see no sign of it?

Usually you’ll get it in a week if you’re eligible.

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It’s on the launcher right now so just go grab it. If you cannot wait just cancel your sub and go buy a new sub and you’ll get it right away. If you don’t want to buy another sub then wait for their servers to pick you up and send it to you. It will pop up in your battle net launcher under “Gifts”.

That dude is on the epic black dragon ghost mount thing which he did not earn, his followers helped him get it while he just trash talked the company.

Yet when people get given a mount for free with a sub, it’s all bad, brrrrrrrrrr.

He literally does nothing himself and makes 0 effort. Yet people gold cap him and give him free mounts all the time.


It’s a cool mount…
Might be the first one i buy.

It’s a WoW Chocobo nuff said.

Meanwhile the free mounts are kind if meh in my opinion.

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Hmmm, I think I might have just thought of a new career… brb :smiling_imp:


Okay I see I shouldn’t have included Asmongold. My mistake. I was just surprised by the fact that I found myself in agreement with him, because I never do!

Anyway, the 6 months subscription offer is not transparent. That is the one thing it isn’t.

From a sheer consumer perspective it is the worst thing to be presented with – a bundle of different things.

You remember those TV-Shop programs that ran in the telly years ago and they had those shows where they were trying to sell you some crap and it went like this:

“If you call 555-1234-999 within the next 3 minutes and order Chef Jito’s collection of famous steak knives for only $99.99, then we’re also going to throw in a roll of Chef Jito’s scented toilet paper – completely free!! Call now!!”

Any consumer rights watch will always argue that separate products should have separate prices, because it makes it more transparent what you’re buying and what you’re paying for it, and it’s easier to evaluate whether you actually want to pay the given amount of money for that specific thing.

When sellers bundle things together you usually end up paying for a lot of stuff primarily because you were interested in one thing. The thing you attribute value to.

Originally Blizzard just put a new mount on the Online Store every now and then, and then people bought it if they wanted it. And besides that they had whatever subscription plan that suited them. Things were kept separate and people could evaluate their mount purchases separately from their subscription purchases.

So why did Blizzard change this? Because it’s better for them if they can get more people to opt for the 6 months subscription. But just offering people the option to buy a 6 months subscription is an easy evaluation for the consumer. You buy it if that subscription length suits you, otherwise not.

But by bundling the 6 months subscription with a mount it becomes more difficult to evaluate for the consumer. Even if a 6 months subscription is not best-suited for me, maybe I should still get it because I get a free mount?

So suddenly you’re paying for something you wouldn’t otherwise pay for, but you do it because you attribute value to something else that’s included in the deal.

And then it’s no longer transparent. Then the seller has successfully tricked you into buying something you originally didn’t want (6 months subscription) by luring you with something you do want (mount).

From a consumer perspective you should always want different products and services to be sold separately. Because that is transparent.


Go for it, it’s tough to get going.

I remember seeing a video about some other warcraft twitch person, ‘Sodapopin’ or something like that. People were paypaling him big bucks. One guy paypaled in 22k $ and he rejected the payment seeing it as a small donation.

I think I’m too hyper and happy as a person to be a wow streamer tbh lol

That’s my rent for 4 years plus change :scream:


It’s a bundle of two things, which you can buy separately if you want to.

You can buy the mount only, you can buy the sub only for a month, and you can buy 5 months of sub and get an extra month + a mount. It’s a bundle, but you can get the items in the bundle separately, so if you want you can only buy the thing you want.

But it has. 25 EUR for a mount, 15 EUR for a monthly sub alone. If you buy more, you can get it cheaper, which is a fairly common and understandable practice.

But it’s in the shop for 25 EUR.

Again, Blizz did not change that. You can buy the mount alone, also you’ll get it with the 6 month sub. So it’s just an extra opportunity, nothing was lost in the process.

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Yeah Jito, stop being silly, either you buy it for 25 or for 65, makes sense… (I’m being sarcastic)

I’ll use a hypothetical example to illustrate my point.

Let’s say Jito has a 1 months subscription for WoW and he usually plays every other month.

So over the course of 6 months Jito would subscribe for 3.

Let’s say Jito likes buying mounts on the Online Store, but he only buys the ones he thinks are cool. That’s half of them.

And let’s say Blizzard adds a mount to the Online Store every 6 months. Jito buys half a mount, on average.

So how much money is Jito spending on WoW every 6 months?


3 months of subscription = €30.
½ a mount = €12.50
Total = €42,50

Those €42.50 is probably not too far off from whatever internal calculation Blizzard has on how much money the average consumer spends every 6 months. Divide it by 6 and it’s €7.08 every month from the average player. Jito in this case.

So now you’re Blizzard and it’s your goal to raise that number. Get more money from Jito. How do you do that without increasing your expenses?

Well you entice Jito to spend more.

So the bundle offer is presented: 6 months subscription and a free mount for €65.94!

Jito looks at the offer and does some simple reasoning. He’s already spending €42.50 on WoW and that suits his needs just fine. But if he were to spend another €23.44 then he would get twice as much subscription. And instead of only getting every other other mount on the store, then he would get every single one!


And Blizzard gets €65.94 from Jito every 6 months instead of the usual €42,50.

Blizzard haven’t increased their expenses at all. They’ve just moved the consumer a step up from a basic payment plan to a premium package.

And what about Jito? He thinks he has gotten a sweet deal! But has he? Just because he has bought 6 months subscription doesn’t mean he plays WoW anymore than he normally did – and 3 months covered that just fine.
So he has gotten 3 extra months that he’s not really going to use, but he feels like he got a good price for them!
And then he gets all the mounts! But whereas before he got every other mount because they weren’t all great, now he gets all of them, but that doesn’t mean they’re all suddenly great. But again, they’re free!!

Ultimately Jito’s needs were covered just fine with his originally chosen approach where he subscribed every second month and bought half the mounts from the Online Store.

But because Blizzard presented a bundle offer with proven value for money, suddenly Jito has a bunch of extra subscription time and mounts he doesn’t really use. But he thinks he’s gotten a great deal!
But he hasn’t. He’s just spending more money on the game now, being convinced that he needs to buy this sweet bundle because it’s a great offer, even though he doesn’t actually play WoW constantly for 6 months or assign much value to every store mount.

But Blizzard are happy. They just increased WoW’s revenue despite losing subscribers, because they successfully squeezed more money out of one of their consumers without increasing their own expenses at all.


Nice. I need this comment just for logs.

Yawn, its just mount #!2345 whatever. If you can buy it then its worthless anyway, just like all the other worthless mounts that no one uses anymore.

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Tbh, having seen the datamined orange one… I like the orange one more anyway.

Fingers crossed that’s one I can get.

(I may or may not renew my sub in ~4 months, it entirely depends on the state of 9.1 at the time. But I’ll definitely have cooled on the blue bird either way by then.)

Theres an orange one? If that is obtainable without buying then all is forgiven frankly.