New TBC player

*Edit: Not Relevant.

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  1. Profession = tailoring and enchanting might be good, as tailor you can go scryer or aldor reputation for leg enchant, look up on google and see which enchant suits you the best, you can make plenty gold by making leg enchant for casters/healers, and enchanting is good for dungeon runs since ou gona do many, I earned about 1k gold only from leveling from 60-70, I saved all items that dropped (green, blues) and enchanted them when I got to 70 level - you might want to create more alts as a bank because you won’t be able to save all on one character.
  2. Less and less they clear HC dungeons, but for normal dungeons it is more crowdy. It might be easier now to find raids because of new justice badges system, you get around 25 badges for clearing karazhan and 25 more for zul aman, 5 for grulls lair and 3 for mag lair, also reputation for heroics is reduced so you will be able to do them straight when you hit 70 level (you also need to buy key from reputation vendor because you can’t enter HC dung without a key). There is also zul aman vendor in shattrath (naru npc) justice badges vendor, look it up on google, sells really good items, around 50-75 badges per item, and you can farm badges in HC dungeons, around 5 per dungeon.
  3. Frost is good for leveling but you might want to respec to arcane later when you get more gear.
  4. follow some youtubers like Scottejaye or metagoblin. They have nice guides for new players. But you want to get blue gear from 67-70 level quests, items from 67-70 level dungeons (blues) and then you are ready to do karazhan, gruuls and mag lair raids, also world boss when he is up (but for him you might need few epics before someone can invite you, because people don’t want to boost, you might have a problem doing raids too because people are spoiled these days and want geared ppl for faster runs, so it is good idea to start grp urself and invite people that will progress through raid and not get carried)
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Thanks a lot for the detailed response and tips!

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