--New techniques of resuscitation murloc mascots.--

Sorry for spelling, i’m not english and i translate a lot. Some spell names are not the same as in my language

Hello everyone, as indicated by the title I open a post on the new game mechanics that presents the revival spells of mascots Andouïe and Sylvanage, just to see the interesting uses it gives.

For people who do not know this spell, it allows all 8 rounds to return ALL mascots of your dead team to life with 5% of their HP.

On paper it looks monstrous, but in reality the mascots come back with (average) not even 100PV and die so in 1 round (and again if they are so faster, otherwise it’s useless ) . The technique is therefore null if it is used at random on a team at random without an established strategy.

As it is a new mechanics, I find it interesting to share the information that I noticed as well as having your opinion to discover others, and why not see a more opti use of this technique:

First: The Resuscitation spell does NOT reset the racials already in use. A Undead mascot is not going to have a bonus round again, same thing for the Machines.

Second: mascots who have a penalty or bonus KEEP him back to life (except in exceptional cases).

Starting from the point if your mascot dies with a poisoning, returning to life it keeps it AND THEREFORE loses the 100 poor HP that it has when returning to life, making the use of the spell useless. It is therefore necessary to pay attention to the status of your mascot at his death.

But beware the opposite is true too, the mascot also keeps the “bonuses” (except in exceptional cases).

I tested on 2-3 spells that persist after death:

-Immolation. Very useful on a mascot like an imp, it activates quietly well behind the shelter by making a small dps. For a Humanoid it allows him in addition to recover from life little by little (without being incredible) while protecting Lures etc etc. With a strategy that plays Black Claw or Plague Blood there’s a way to surprise the opponent.

-Stone Shape, Emerald Dream and Hibernate. If your mascot dies with these spells, returning to life the spell’s count is reactivated and the mascot quietly recovers!

Technique quite painful to do, because to maximize the thrower must be faster than the opponent to maximize the Heal. (And unfortunately the mascots with their techniques are not many, and often slow, except for hibernate, but the heal is less big: 60-70% of the total life).

-Plant. It’s good you still hang on? Returning to life the mascot who died with this spell counting (up to 10 maximum) keeps the effect active (because not used). And so what does it imply? That if she is faster than the mascot in front and if you take the time to put the meter up, she gets 100 PERCENT of her life!

(Well, I already had PvP once or my mascot did not come back to life with Planter Bug, flash nerve or strange configuration of the fight … Be careful anyway).

Perfect technique for mascots like Aldrusian sprout with their 325 speed! Little more, as it is fast you even have the luxury of doing photosynthesis so that it recovers more quietly by returning to life, making the fate of Reanimation straightforward! (small flat, the mascot is weak to the possible).

-Haunt. If you do Resuscitation while your mascot already haunts an enemy mascot with Hanter, your mascot will come back to life AND the effect of Hanter continues on the opponent. In addition your mascot does not lose his racial Death Living. (BIG flat, instead of coming back with 50% of the life she had by casting the spell your mascot come back with 5% .To do so in case of extreme need, to heal your team or with a specific strategy)

-Toupie. (Sorry, in don’t know the name in english) A mascot who has accumulated speed with Toupie GARDS his speed bonus by returning to life.

-Explosing / Morbid Explosion. If a mechanical / undead mascot uses this technique the mascot dies by launching the attack (and therefore does not activate the racial). BUT a mascot who used Exploser still has his racial of available because it has gone over, AND SO when returning to life after being dead with Exploser, your mascot always keeps his racial (not having activated).

Well I do not know the limit, but as Exploser does not have a cooldown I guess it’s possible to Explode / Resuscitate /
Explode / Resuscitate without ANY MOMENT your mascot does not lose his racial!

A Star of Iron having a speed out of the ordinary with Toupie and thus able to do it.
(On the other hand, the resuscitation time being 8 turns, it limits things, but logically it is possible).

Dazzling dance. The mascot using this spell gives a bonus to the whole team for 9 rounds, and every round each mascot (even those out of play) loses 1 round on the counter and therefore have each counter identical. But if your mascot dies at 8 turns, if you make it back 8 turns later when your other mascots have the counter at 0, your mascot always has 8 rounds. Knowing that mascots come back with 5% of life speed is important not to die fast, so keeping the bonus in speed allows more strategy options and avoids losing a slow mascot in the first round of his resuscitation.

-Graze. If your mascot is faster and dies by launching Graze, returning to life ends her spell and attacks from the rank of inactive mascots!


  • Similar techniques like Resuscitate and Repair do not work.
    -The Dark Renaissance Technique LOSES after the Ground, and suddenly she loses 20% of life per turn, and therefore dies DIRECTLY after her rebirth.
    -The Gonk’s aura is active on the TEAM and does not activate the mascot returning to life.
    Techniques such as Deep Breath do not end after resuscitation from the rank of inactive mascots.
    -The jerk technique does not activate since the rank of inactive mascots.

In summary as mascots to have with the Murloc in combo:
-Iron Star (maxed attack),
-Young aldrusian sprout,
-Argi / Kid / Fry of underwater currents,
-File Rebel / devilish
-Porc-epic harmonious.

Here is a small assessment, already with that there is way to have 3-4 new meta, ranging from curiosity not at all opti to the unbeatable team. I have not done everything right, and I hope other people will see uses that I have not noticed yet. I hope it will help some who were lacking new fun teams to play.

Good post, it’s definitely a fun meme to use the Rez abilities.

Survival pets are alot of fun with this combo.

My favourite pets to play with this are Blackfuse Bombling, S/S Baby Zandalari Raptor, S/S Zandalari Toenibbler, Ghost Shark, S/S cockroaches with Apocalypse, S/S Nightshade Sproutling and S/S Ghost Maggot.

Will be trying out Hibernate on the Infected Bear Cub soon.

It’s a really fun ability but pretty useless unless you have the speed advantage with the ressed pets, or they’ll just get finished off again otherwise lol

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