New to AD - Questions & Looking for Community 😃

Hey everyone!

I decided to give a new server (and a fresh start) a try and so here I am! I’ve been roleplaying for the vast majority of my “wow career” and I wanted to dip a toe back into it after I took a break from the whole game at the beginning of Shadowlands until now. Nothing is really set in stone for me yet, as I just started to dive back in. Depending on whether or not I find a place to “settle” on Argent Dawn, I will stick around for longer, or drop back in properly with Dragonflight.

To keep this post short and crispy (I tried!), as well as nice to read, I thought I’d just list a few questions as well as introduce my roleplay style (a little bit more). :slight_smile:

General questions

  • Can you recommend me a guild / community? (See below)
  • What is the PCU? I have a rough understanding from the most recent post by Perroy, yet I’d love to hear a bit more about it.
  • Concerning PCU: Is the server split into different “roleplay-factions”? How serious is this, if this is a thing what so ever.
  • I assume Goldshire’s reputation is similar on this server compared to other ones? Are there other places to avoid?
  • How strong is crossfaction RP? How strong is neutral RP?
  • I have noticed that there are many more RPs active in Stormwind compared to Orgrimmar. Is this server also more: Alliance = OpenRP and Horde = GuildRP?
  • What is the server’s consensus on lore? How much free fantasy is acceptable? Can anyone claim to have slain Argus, the Lich King and saved the Shadowlands? Or is it more down to earth with people displaying “average adventurer mercenary doing average non cosmic level things”?
  • How welcoming are people to “new server blood”?

My RP style

  • I enjoy, what I call, “old school D&D style RP”. I’m a dice fanatic and love nothing more than well crafted plots that makes you want to squee “We’re just like the fellowship of the ring!”
  • All my toons, no matter if Tauren or Bloodelf, are very “realistic”. They sweat, stink, become sick, lose battles, behave awkwardly, fail to lie… All thanks to the power of dice!
  • Speaking of which: While I love realism (dispair, failure, weakness, arrogance ect.) I also don’t take myself too seriously and enjoy a good chunk of comedy. I guess the whole package just like life!
  • I don’t think this will change much, but I felt inclined to mention that I’m not a native speaker and I might lack a few sophisticated ways to describe emotes/says. Grammar hick-ups are also very possible. :smiley:

What I look for in particular

  • A cozy group of people with a knack for plot RP, the use of dice and a love for old school RP like D&D. Collecting and loosing items during a plot, advance one’s character, solve puzzles, convince NPCs…
  • No orchestrated 24/7 rp drama a la “Gone with the wind” or a spanish soap opera*
  • Cross-race and/or cross-faction would be ideal! I myself would stick to Horde either way, but I’d love to interact with a lot of different cultures in character
  • Out of character speaking: Just some folks, just like me. With a life outside of WoW that sometimes messes up plans or keeps them busy. Of course I’d pop in regularly, but I’m sure it’s okay when you are too busy to game at times. :slight_smile:

Thanks for taking your time to read through all of this! I’m keen to get to know you and this server. :slight_smile:



((* I can iterrate if requested, but other than that I’ll cut it here, because my post will get to long!))


A collection of guilds that co-operate closely OOC to make cool and engaging RP happen while maintaining a level of standards and quality.

Not really. Some people play it up but in reality you can just RP and might run into some lone weirdo now and then that has a mega grudge over something that supposedly happened 5 years ago

Correct. The other places with a similar reputation are the Silvermoon bazaar and the Stormwind harbor

pretty much!

This one is closer but it’s not all knights and peasants. Leave the feats of godslaying mega-badassery to the enigmatic Player Character, other than that it’s fair game.

Very! I can tell you upfront that the PCU is always happy to help new blood find their place and get used to Argent Dawn.


Pretty strong imo, especially so if you find a guild who frequently interacts with the opposing faction (Be it via conflict or general RPing).

Hit or miss from my opinion, it can be pretty good, but other times it can be quite annoying.

Pretty much hit the nail on the head there!


I’ll echo what Tehya has said, people are generally very much welcoming of new RPers!


First off, Hello and welcome to Argent Dawn! Always nice to see more people! :smiley:

I can’t personally answer all of the questions or recommend a guild really, but I’ll try to help out a bit with what I can!

Putting it simple, It’s generally an Umbrella term/community. Guilds who share the PCU tags might share some members, but the main thing is some shared rules/ideas for how to have a good time roleplaying on AD. Alongside co-operation between guilds at events I believe.

Not really something to worry about, aside from a couple of people kicking up a fuss due to personal grudges there is no factions or like that. People are generally just happy to roleplay.

Yes. I think other areas are generally fine.

Crossfaction RP varies. There is usually organized events and campaigns for crossfaction, normally RP-PvP. Neutral RP exists as well, often at locations where it makes sense so among Argent guilds and such. I believe PCU guilds tend to do crossfaction often?

It’s what people claim normally, but this can also vary. But Stormwind is a very big rp hub so you will find casual/Open roleplay there more easily than elsewhere.

There is a bit of variation between guilds and group but the general consensus have always seemed to be to keep big events/big lore names out of your roleplay/dont have it be personally connected to yourself.

Pretty welcoming honestly!

Again, hope you enjoy your stay!


Thanks a ton @Tehya as well as of course @Sheedai and @VixĂ­!

All of what you have typed up sounds super promising! I’m really glad to hear that AD still embraces some down to earth RP that allows for some RP more towards adventure, exploration and similar things. :slight_smile: From what I can tell, overall it seems very close to my old server minus the PCU. Which sounds promising saying the least. I’m a big, big fan of keeping eRP out. That was a problem on my old server. (Especially if you’d roleplay as a bloodelf like mostly. Yikes.)

Is there any way to get in touch with the community better? Is there something like a Server discord? And if so: Do you recommend it? No hard feelings here of course. I just know from my own server that said discord became the poor punching bag of the community.


Ignore this.


That’s not a very nice thing to say Ghormisa.

I believe there is one but I haven’t been in it for years, so I can tell you little as to its contents and quality. I’m sure someone here can shoot you a link for the Argent Dawn Discord


I appreciate everyone’s feedback here! Since I lack the means to form my own opinion (yet), I am glad to hear everyone’s side of the story too. And thank you Ghormisa :slight_smile: I hope to find a new home on this server.


And this is a good example of what you should avoid Zuryah, anyone who would call another group of people a ‘cult’ should be given a wide berth at best, form your own opinions on others is what I can suggest. :smiley:

Edit: I am not in the PCU myself, I am simply a person who uses their own mind to form an individual opinion instead of following the masses of Anti PCU rhetoric.


You’ll quickly come to the realisation that the PCU serves up some of the most compelling roleplay on the server :smiley:


You have your opinion on things, but why you need to really be that obsessed with that? Its the pot calling kettle black

Grim Gest is THE most popular cultist guild on Argent Dawn! Anyone looking for true cult-rp which focuses on the DARK SORCERY of the Void should look us up! We primarily take Blood Elves and Forsaken, but are open to other races who’s concepts fit the guild well.

Looking forward to rp!


If you don’t like void stuff, Cleft of Shadows or Coven of Shadowbane likes Fel. We are focusing more on Legion and take Shadow council races. Elves, Forsaken, Orcs, Trolls and Goblins.

If anything, I give my bros in Grim Gest also promotion

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Literally me.

Pretty decent, there’s a few guilds that are dedicated to it, and plenty of PCU and non-PCU guilds do cross fac events/campaigns.

Ye pretty much

Wouldn’t do this. Even if ur guild is like uber high fanatasy generally we try to avoid being involved in any major lore events in a big way.

More RPers are always welcome friend


Me and the bros waiting Sargeras to come back and claim his sword

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Yes we are. I am very proud of the glorious genestealer cult of the Perroy Cinematic Universe that has managed to infest this server.

Also don’t speak about us being bad when you’ve sent multiple death threats to people lassie.

Very, very, very, very welcome! Everyone loves getting new people into the hobby, least everyone with a speck of respect for RP does.


Hey that’s me!



Thank you for answering all those questions! I was hoping for a server community that tries to avoid having single people “claim” ingame events such as defeating the Lich King and such. That’s a relief to hear!