New to EU, need help choosing a realm

@Owlen: Greetings and welcome to EU region!

The thread above comes highly recommended, if you are looking for new friends.

As for invites… This is not 100% fact, but I suspect that Blizzard’s fairly recent actions that took down CP and CPC, while actually targeting the ability of addon makers to create LFG-tools for Classic, also killed many of invite addons, because according to what I have read in Bringoutyourdead’s notes on fixing CP, several of those actually “stole” parts of CP code (even including HIS working notes within the code). :frowning:

EU region has a bit different “personality” and unlike Gráinne, I do not find that particularly surprising. That may or may not be due to the fact that I recently became an English major student at my home town’s university and I have been exposed to several excellent native English speakers from the US, UK and even Australia among my professors. :slight_smile: As an example of information… US has around 350+ different significant language (group)s… Most EU countries have around 168, some even less. Those numbers are not set in stone and you will find more than the listed number of languages in use (upwards of 500 even in a small country like Finland), but in small countries those extra few hundred languages may literally have only one or two native speakers.

You will also discover (, if you have not done so yet) that EU region does not “love” things as much as many US people do. Sometimes the differences are subtle, but even if one does not recognize the accent, there are sometimes clues… and my phonology professor tells me that in some cases those clues can be quite strong. According to him, I sound very much like what I am, an older (most of my peers are literally 20 to 25 years younger than I am), male Finn. Some of those clues even sneak into written language, like the above mentioned use of “love”. :smiley: