New to PvP: want some advices

It’s been around 6-7 month now I’ve return to WoW. I mainly play PvE but in other games I play mostly PvP (hots, dota and a bit of RTS). So I give a try from 3-4 weeks now in BG/epic BG (no rated).

I don’t really have the word how messy and unfair it is:

  • Gear gap is horrible. I’m currently 450 and I feel I can do very little for my team and sometime totally useless.

  • The duration of cc. Sometimes, I’m just killed with infinite cc when I’m focus by at least 2 ppl and idk how to counter that (I’ve just have 1 cc removal).

  • The team are unbalance. Too much powerful ppl (in term of gear) in enemy team compare to yours. Same logic with heal. I’ve lost a game in 5 min because we had no heal and enemy team have.

I’m definitely not a pro, but I consider myself have minimum skill and makes some kills in Wpvp and very few in BG.

In order to become a sort of decent PvP player, what do I need to do ? Grind PvE or grind PvP for better items ?

I hope they do something in next expac, a scaling or something.

Thanks for reading me.

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You’re 450 and think you’re too low? I see people with 100-200k HP in BGs all the time.

Open, random BGs are about luck - depends totally on the team you get. The way to get better is to join a guild or community that runs BGs (shorter queues that way, too) and eventually do rated.

450 is fine for what you’re doing tbh, but just do the usual things to get better items if you want to make a step up.

450 is not low , evey bg there are people with 120k-220k hps and many of them.

There was undead disc priest with 42k hp today on silvershard mines. 3 minutes later he left bg , or horde players reported him afk.

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It’s not as much the Ilvl which kills you, as it is epic traits, perfect corruptions, lvl 15 cloak and tank trinkets.

As a returning player, I am not counting on doing much - if any PvP at all, till prepatch hits. If you do not have those things, you get deleted in seconds.
And I used to live and breethe PvP :sweat_smile:

Thanks for your advices, I will try to find a PvP community on my server.

Still, I had difficulty to aim my target in the middle of battle because there is a lot of particle effects (spells, AoE). I use default graphic settings. Do you have some “legacy” tweak in settings I can change ?

Your three main points are all true. You will need somewhat good gear (470+ score, at least half of your gear with sockets, BiS corruptions, level 90+ neck with BiS level 2-3 essences) to be an asset in BGs, everything below is a liability if you are not very experienced in (rated and random) BGs.

The duration of CC in PvP is indeed too long. As I always have said, the maximum duration of any one CC ability in the game in PvP should be 6 seconds.

Teams are usually unbalanced since there is no itemlevel or MMR system in place, which makes random BGs frustrating a lot of times.

They nerfed pve tank trinkets on pvp situations.

Correct azerite traits , corruptions and essences are making damage atm.

And what is sad is my friend was 10.000k on his dh… he bought 8x gushing wound from vendor he makes 18.000k damage now.

And it requires no skill. Randomly procs on the people you hit.

As for op 450 not low.

I would be very happy if I get 450 guys on bgs. But I get 220 ilvl - 401 ilvl guys instead. These ilvls are 44k - 205k hp range.

Only reason I queue random bg is rated bgs are dead. No groups. On season 1 I didn’t queue single random bg.


This is hysterically over-the-top. We’re talking about random BGs here. People get 120 then immediately queue. I had a druid teammate with 100k HP in a BG last night and he capped the flag twice.

I’m not saying there isn’t an issue with gear scaling and with OP corruptions, because there is, but there is no way in hell you’re a “liability” without BiS everything when people are literally queuing in greens, without a cloak, and winning.

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