Hey guys, i have been a pretty dedicated mythic plus player, but now i’m just enjoying questing and archivement hunting.
I miss having a community to call home, and i thought it would be interesting to try an RP server since they should feel more alive, but the main issue is that i would like to be a forsaken, and the horde side of things is pretty much dead on AD (at least thats what i heard),
Firstly, Welcome to Argento dawn!
Horde side of RP isn’t dead, it’s mostly guild related, so Hubs are’t much populated.
I do not know what your concept for the character Is, but i suggest to check out various guilds!
Depending on your character concept, the ideal guild shall vary.
Military? Adventurer? Mercenary? etc.
Furthermore are you wanting a Forsaken majority or exclusive guild?
Horde side RP have no shortage of such.
The Rotgarde is pretty active and about, if you’re looking for something with a military focus – we’re often stationed in new Brill or the Sepulcher, Silverpine. Here’s our thread if you’re interested:
Another option for a Forsaken guild is Forlorn Order. You’ll find their thread a bit further down on the forums and they’re often around Lordaeron in-game.
I’m not sure if Grim Geist is another Forsaken-central guild or if they do their own thing?