New to RP & Argent Dawn

Hey All,

I’ve recently decided to give RP a try and roll a char here on AD to continue to keep wow fresh and interesting. Also trying to find that sense of community again since Retail has had become an increasingly solo journey.

I’m currently leveling a Dracthry Warrior on Alliance called Zyntrax. Just spamming my way through TWing as Prot. Plan to play Prot and Fury at max level. Mainly interested in doing RP with guild/communites, M+, PVP and alt leveling.

I have some knowledge of basic RP jargon like OC, IC etc but I am very much a noob on everything else. Would appreciate it if you guys could give me some guidance on a few things as most of the guides/videos I’ve found are at least 5 years old.

Addons - Are there any must have addons or addons that will make the entry to RP easier?

Location - is there anywhere I can go to cut my teeth and experience RP out in the world? Had a wander around some of the main cities etc and all of them seem to be empty/just people AFK.

Character Backstory - is this something I need to have locked in from the get go or something I can build on later? I’ve had a few basic idea’s but nothing too in depth.

My original thought as I’m Dracthyr is a Fiona from Shrek/The Hulk sort of foundation. Trying to portrait a fairly normal existence/person and hide my other side but it comes out when angry/need to protect those I care about.

This is fairly basic though and unsure if it’s enough to get me started.

Guilds - The guild finder in game isn’t great, recommending me guilds that still have adverts mentioning DF. Most of the adverts I’ve read on here are guilds for specific races, none of which I’ve seen are particularly welcoming of Dracthry.

Is there a server or recruitment discord that’s more active and may give me a better chance to find a home?

Community - Similar to the guild question but on a bigger scale. Are there any active community discords that arrange events etc? Just so I can keep track of things and get involved?

I noticed a post on here about an event happening later this month that I will try and sign up for. Looking to just make sure I’m in touch with what’s going on and get involved as much as I can.

Thank you in advance for all suggestions, replies and reading my ramblings :slight_smile:




Welcome to the RP world!

I would suggest joining the Argent Dawn EU RP discord.

It has everything on there I believe to answer your questions.


Awesome. Thank you!

Welcome to AD and to our hobby of RPing :smiley: I hope you’ll find lots of friends and make memories that lasts like so many of us already have done!

To answer your questions:
Addons: TRP3 is an amazing addon that lets you customize your characters profile, add backgrounds, what people might see when they get their initial impression of your character etc. It’s a great tool, while there are some other addons that does the same thing, TRP3 is the most commonly used one.

Location: The capital cities of each faction usually has a lot of RP going on outside of some areas usually reserved for OOC (out of character) actions. Seeing you are Alliance, here are some common areas I know of for your faction

  • Stormwind, everywhere except the Harbor and Trade District.
  • Stromgarde, Arathi Highlands gives you a great alternative to find some RP in.
  • Boralus, has seen some play, and most notably has the beginner RP friendly tavern every so often. [A-RP] Beginner Bar RP - The Curious Octopus

Character Backstory: While having some idea of your general backstory is great to have in order to base your characters reactions towards, it’s not necessarily needed. I start my characters off with very little, building slowly upon their backstory as I get to know my character as well! I would, however, read up on basic Dracthyr lore.

Guilds: You’ll find a guild through interacting with people, that’s how I find mine. However, if you wish to learn more about guilds on your pass-time you can check out their forum posts here on AD-Forums or on the site ArgentArchives.

Community: There are many active discord communities here and about. While I’m not in any Alliance communities I’m sure someone could send you an invite to the Stormwind, Stromgarde, Boralus discords.

If you have any questions, do reach out. Most often than not you’ll find supportive help within our community! Have fun in the world (even if you chose the wrong faction) and be respectful to others :smiley:


TRP won the ‘RP profile addons’ game so it’s the only addon you really need.

However shout out to ‘listener’ which is an addon which allows you to check chat history more conveniently and importantly - by individual user as well as making a ping noise when someone uses your name in chat or in an emote. Really big quality of life improvement in big events or crowded areas. It integrates with TRP so it’ll do it for your first name or last name as well as the actual wow character name.

It’s a six of one, half a dozen of the other situation. Everyone will have slightly different process for it. I tend to start with fairly simple concepts with room to grow - Jenit’s entire ‘backstory’ when I started out was “kind of an idiot, chip on her shoulder about something kind of stupid”. Go with just enough to give you something to start with and see where it takes you.