New to SoD: worry about class choice

Just pick warrior the massive amount of warrior whine will make it the strongest dps class in every patch right now it’s like 10-30% ahead of the other classes and they are still crying. ^^

I hope you will playe for fun.
1 chose a class that fits your class fantasy and you like to play.
2 chose if you want to be a preformer or just going throu all content.
3 trye to find a guild that fits your gaming mentalaty.

^ what he said

Pick a class that fits your gamestyle and that you enjoy playing. There are loads of videons on youtube on the different classes and you can see what fits you.

Hunter is a fun class, you got both melee and ranged hunter. Keep in mind ranged hunter is all about throwing traps out and hitting the boss with them, if you are ok with that playstyle then go for it.

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I started to play SoD a few months ago, but while I liked some of the things and the runes, I started to realise that some must have runes are also very tedious, with hard requirements that demoralize many players.

I play warrior there mainly and hunter alt and both of those been very easy to obtain the runes, taking out the shockwave rune which isnt that hard either compared to lets say priest, my partner says almost wants to quit the class due to that and she loves playing healer and discipline…

I also seen the priest class quest and hell… did blizzard really hate priests so much?.. and before anyone says something like “should pick another class” I think thats toxic behaviour and stupid kind of answer, people are allowed to have a favorite class, I always loved playing warrior since 2005 and still do and if game would break that class then I would not have much keeping me there :slight_smile: remove the ridiculous or time consuming requirements of some runes, you would win more points with players in general…

If you plan on doing battlegrounds and farming honour just dont. Hunter is fine but if you plan on farming pvp go horde, shamans are so strong in pvp that it’s just unfair.

Farming to cap honour on horde side takes <5hours doing it on alliance is at least 10 and most of the day the battlegrounds are just unplayable.

Mate it’s been so long I already got to 60 as a sod priest and left to reroll to on the anniversary realms.

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