New to SoD: worry about class choice


I’m a longtime wow player. Played classic 2019 every tier up until ICC. I want to start SoD but since I mained a healer last time around I want something different now. I was thinking hunter for their ease of leveling and fun playstyle.

My only worry is when I get to 60 no guild will want to take yet another hunter, especially one that is freshly dinged.
Can anyone give me advice regarding my worry?

I’m going to play on Wild Growth PvE, alliance.

Hunter is awesome. The problem I have as a hunter is that you have to roll vs 10000x shamans for tier every raid. Most of the times it’s just 1-2 hunters per raid so they need you. But there will be a shaman tank, 2 resto shamans, 2 ele, 3 enhancement shamans to roll vs D:


Thanks for your answer!

If you’re going for caster, I know personally that Druids and Mages are needed for decurses, so you’ll always have a spot. Especially mages for AQ.

Priests are no.1 because of how good S Priest is and Priest is in general for healing terms.

Warlock is an amazing class to have and from personal experience is an amazing class with a really fun rotation.

There is a lot of fear mongering on the forum, just ignore them because mostly every class is viable.

Yeah I mained priest in Classic 2019, TBC and Wrath so I want something different. A lot of the priest runes are not fun to get, or so I’ve heard / looked up.
Hunter is just smooth to level (important to me) and play, mage is mostly casting the same spell, no?

Edit: forgot to mention I already have a 25 priest with almost full BFD gear but I feel little drive to play her for some reason :slight_smile: maybe because I know how tedious it is to get some of the must-have runes.

Hunter is fine. If you got the guild alteady, ask what they think.

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No guild, that’s where my worry is at

Unless you want to join the top guild on the server you shouldn’t worry about getting a spot. Gearing in SoD is a breeze compared to classic, if you find a guild that needs your class and join the raids you’ll probably gear up in no time.

Browse WCL Wild Growth Alliance guild pages and find one that needs a hunter and has a schedule that suits you and then talk to them to make sure the info you got is still relevant/up to date. Besides this you can try and check discord or stand around the old classic way in game and see which guilds advertise needing your class.


Yeah, Right now SPriest is an amazing class. The AOE is the best currently, in PVP dots just melt everyone (who hasn’t popped a shadow prot potion or has shadow res aura / minimal gear)

You’re wanted aswell in raid, there aren’t many of them and the off-healing and mana gain is amaaazing

Not happening for Deveon.

I wouldn’t worry too much about what guilds do or don’t need, raids now have flex size. Some of us bring extra people just because we can, my guild now has around 26 raiders.

No, he has to roll against paladins instead. There’s just as many paladins as there are shamans.

No, he doesn’t, hunter doesn’t wear Plate Raid Tier. :sweat_smile:

The tier tokens are shared between;

Warrior, Rogue and Druid.
Shaman, Paladin and Hunter
Mage, Priest and Warlock.

if unsure go druid caster first, resto and boomkins are in demand, no worries there about getting a spot in raids, now with the astral form even better as boomkin if you want to see your gear, even leather shoulders look great on taurens, as for alliance ne females great as always.

I agree but this counts for everyone, so the problem aren’t tokens.
Mail and BoE is the issue between shamans and hunters.

Especially when you can get agi as Shami which is rare.

This conversation was literally about raid tokens, look:

So what? Every class has to roll with 2 others for tokens, but only hunters compete with shamans for mail. The whine for loot. :sweat_smile: However, he doesn’t compete with anyone for mail when playing alliance as hunter.

Common sense.

You know that the BiS set up is 8/8 t2, right?

Why is it so hard for you to just accept that you took things the wrong way and Alliance hunters don’t have some magical advantage over Horde hunters?

Go hunter, good dps and plenty of spots in raids imo. We’re always short on hunters.

He he… way to manipulate a tread so it suits your opinion :sweat_smile: