New to wow-RP and looking for a friendly, casual role-playing guild

Hi hi,

I finally made the step and rolled a character on the EU RPPVP-server in Classic WoW SoD! I play a Night Elf Priest, don’t know much about her background yet since I just started… but now I am looking & searching for a friendly and casual role-playing guild.

Would very much appreciate if anyone had any tips or hints for which guild I could join :3 Thanks!


So I don’t play SoD and I can’t find any forums for the servers, but I highly suggest you google around and hopefully find some RP-discord for that specific server you’re on.

What I do recommend is downloading an RP addon like “MyRolePlay Classic” and toy around with the things you can fill in - that way you might get some vague ideas what her background might be!

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