New to wow RP, not new to wow. About dwarf speach

I´m a big dnd fan and i´ve played wow since legion, mostly classic after mid of bfa but ive come back to retail. I want to RP a dark iron dwarf. What should i do? Is there an addon that can translate everything to a scottish accent? Or should i just git gud? English is not my first language but i´ll do what it takes. Just wandering if there is an easy solution or if you people have some tips.


I think the best is to be yourself and use your imagination ,good luck :crossed_fingers:t3:

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Personally I wouldn’t do it outside of perhaps a few keywords if you absolutely must. To be very clear, the “Scottish” accent you are thinking of is actually a language/dialect (I understand there is debate about its exact classification, I’m not a linguist, what do I know) of English. Scots is a thing and people do speak it, if you want your character to speak Scots I recommend you learn about the language. I can list some useful books for you if you’re interested! Otherwise, just use “Aye”, talk about beer and how cool it is to mine for minerals. You can always state in your profile that your character has a Scottish accent.

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