New UI issues

Personally i’m using the default UI, I’ve been clicking my abilities & moving my character with my mouse for the past 15+ years… I have tried UI changing addons and they all are terrible for my playstyle (due to muscle memory, I don’t need to look at my tray for using things, while still being able to play efficiently, But this change would invalid 15+ years of experience, and turn me into the kind of keyboard turning clicker ya’all imagine when you hear the term ‘clicker’. PLEASE!, Let there be an option to use the default UI, I also use a really large UI which takes up 20 - 30% of the screen as my eyesight is really bad even with proper glasses. This is my greatest consern about this expansion… Would i have to get addons to revert the changes back to the old UI now instead?, It sure seems like it, as you don’t mention any option to use the original UI, Only changes. Also this new minimap would take up even more space on my screen. Please, Make it optional!.

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:smiley: no one cares bro
adapt or perish

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Sis* Don’t asume peoples gender, Rude.

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It didn’t look that hugely different, it’s just that you have more options to move the elements of the UI around. you can most likely put everything in the same place as they are now.

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To me, the UI look they presented looked like those addons you can get. And yeah, they didin’t clearly say it was optional, I get it they want to change things up, But yeah, I am really worried about this change, As it would make the game near unplayable for me. Thinking of how they handeled the “new” character models years back, where they changed it, people disliked it, added an option to use old models, then they suddenly removed the option. So i’m ofcourse worried about this change, as it’s a major one. But it’s calming to hear from a mvp, that it’s most likely going to be just an option or such. Just wish they would be more clear right off the bat.

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I think it’s definitely changing, it’s just not really going to be a whole lot different, it’s going to be updated but the core of the UI is the same as before. It’s just going to be more flexible and you can move it.

The default will most likely be very much the same as the standard UI, only with a HD makeover.

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That tray takes up the entire bottom of my screen, i also play with select bags open, and the right side actionbar is missing from the screen, i also dont want a bunch of clutter in the middle as… yeah… im clicking and moving with mouse… Big dislike… Will have to wait for more information i suppose… But if they change it too much… guess its time to say good bye, even got the 10 year constant sub statue. As this looks unplayable for me, at least what they’re showing. But yeah. will have to wait for more information. Getting emotional, sorry.

The new UI looks great, it just needs different health and mana textures. I think those alone threw the entire vibe off.

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It’s only half the UI, like before ticked all the options for the other bars to be visible and you can drag it to the bottom and put others at the sides.

You can move them exactly where you had them before. They haven’t gone into detail but basically we can move all of the UI now instead of it having static positions. This is an improvement that is long over due.

Yes, i get it that people want to change things up, using addons. But ofcourse, the addons are there as the game is lacking those things, Example hiding scertain things, moving them etc, ofcourse. It’s nice to see they add options, If they are options, and not entire revamps, Options are good.

From the way it was shown you will be able to stick them wherever you want, so if you want them in the old position from before, then you can place them there.

I just hope I can keep original parts of UI (the bottom part of all these nice looking icons (character/talents/etc.) + action bar. All of the other parts I have customized with Shadowed unit frames, but the all of the bottom part is original one :slight_smile: I hope there will be an option to keep it.

I really hope they dont change the default UI into smaller icons - or that there will be a choice to go back to the “classic” icons - i am getting old and my eyesight not so good now - have played WoW since the beginning in 2005 but i am hoping this is not going to be a forced change else that might be it for me :frowning:


No one cares about your gender lets be real and bro isnt really a guy only thing its mostly used men and women, anyway the only bad thing i see on the new ui is the unitframes they look really bad imo

Yes. Just got frustrated, as the forums are always so toxic, but after that one person, this thread has been fine. And your comment is also fair. ^^

but the new ui only changes the border you can have it like you have it now too size and everything…

I hope that is correct, but you speak with conviction that you -know- this is how it’s going to be, there was no mention of it in the reveal, nor does it say anything about it on the information web page.

Even under the current settings we can change the UI size.

I understand people are worried but I think when more information comes out they will feel reassured that they will still be able to keep things as they are now if the really want to.

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playing efficiently, he says. Clicking he does. Yes. (I think they did say that you can use the old one)