Thoughts on how and who will narrate it (as in, whose ingame point of view will we see)?
Kinda hoping this one features Horde characters instead of Shaw/Flynn duo, as most of the territory is Horde controlled and features heavily some relevant Horde zones.
Guess that it will depend on who finally gets to write it.
Personally, i’m hoping Brooks gets this one, if only because i think that the dude is miles ahead the rest of writers Blizzard is currently using.
Honestly, i dread how would Golden depict the Tauren and their approach in the clash they had with humans in the Barrens during BfA.
I’m half expecting it to be a Vulpera’s guide to the new world, maybe with some editing by Eitrigg or so, as the straight man of the comedic duo… But who knows, it might be Zekhan.
I’m not entirely opposed to the idea of having a combo that includes someone that sees it all with fresh eyes, and a far more veteran partner that serves as guide.
Kiro could be a cool pick, but I think that the other one should be someone more like Rexxar.
Eitrigg seems far to old to keep up with the sort of vibe said adventures would entail.
Hope we are spared of the Memeboy. Can get myself to like said character.
Honestly, it makes sense to be a guide written or made for Vulpera.
Hopefully, someone who isn’t from BFA main cast. Zekhan and Baine are BIG no.
Maybe Rexxar? I would prefer him over the two mentioned in the line above.
Wonder if they’ll actually address Darkshore, Ashenvale, Hyjal, Felwood, Moonglade, Feralas and Winterspring in terms of Night Elves or just ignore them
I hope for a Tauren-PoV, they’re the original Inhabitants of a big part of (modern) Central and Southern Kalimdor, living there for the last millenia, and i don’t want Nelves to narrate because we don’t really need another alliance-PoV
I also hope to get more info about Silverwing Sentinels (since they will possibly enter Ashenvale forest).
And maybe some info about trade contract between the Horde and Night Elves that they had after Warcraft3.
Because Garrosh is about to return into game, but we still not have a details about the main reason of a war that Garrosh started back then.
I 100% hope it will be more Shaw and Flynn. I love those guys and I think it makes sense for it to be them–Exploring Azeroth is themed around the two of them touring Azeroth and making sure that “everything is in order,” after all. Would feel weird to suddenly switch to Horde POV.
Best options: effort placed into telling the story from a point of view of a hozen.
Not as good: at least one allied race character would be good to see (named vulpera, like Nisha, maybe one of nightborne, like Valtrois).
Safe option: pushing further a couple of characters who was on the front of BfA stories (like Zekhan. But I would be happy to see Sira’s opinions if she could escape the Maw Stockades )
Boring option: more from the same characters as the 1st book.
Would feel weirder having two Alliance characters being the ones that throw the explanation over the story of Horde zones and lore.
Most of Kalimdor is controlled by the Horde. The Horde capitol is there.
70% of the core Horde races have their homes there.
What sort of insight would we expect regarding Mulgores importance, or the relevance behind the Echo Isles, if we are to see it from some humans point of view?
"The Tauren seem to be a pretty primitive and uncivilized tribal culture. Their make-shift “city” is conveniently placed on several large mesas in the northern part of Mulgore. Few pitiful camps and villages seem to dot the landscape to the south, mostly around the Stonebull Lake.
The Tauren seem to be using stolen dwarf guns alongside bows and arrows to hunt some of the wildlife living in the plains. Their aim is surprisingly good for such clumsy and dumb creatures. They also seem to gather certain plants and acorns fallen from the few pine trees.
Surprisingly enough, the Tauren don’t seem to be grazing, or even consuming grass at all. Their diet seems to be that of typical omnivores.
The Tauren seem to employ primitive elemental magics, along with druidic skills they’ve learned from the far superior and advanced night elves. Also, their warriors seem to prefer minimal clothing.
Their belief system seems to be similarly primitive. They believe in the spirits and the ancestors, and the entities called the Earthmother and the Skyfather. Few of the most seem to have taken up the Light, though it’s unknown how such dumb and primitive creatures learned how to use it."
i mean…the degenerated humans could use it too, and compared to their titanforged origin, they have a long fall from grace behind them. From demigod powerfull to little mortal race which need helps from other to survive against treats
Not a single important night elves character died. They are all doing fine. Also Saurfang is dead and the Zandalari fleet was destroyed. The Horde won nothing with bfa. The Horde is dead.