New update from MDT makes you pay for maps

Not sure either. But I think the so called data refers to the actual maps (the images) and position, characteristics of mobs on these maps.

The biggest issue is, even if you pay for it you can’t share your routes with your team cause they have no maps or mobs so they will have no clue what you’re doing


hmm i have zygor and never paid one dime, and i have full guides for every zone?
what u on about pal???
Zygor in game addon is completely free dudeeeeeee
Or are you talking about the pdf books???

I don’t use it so I wouldn’t know. But years ago Zygor was a pay-only addon.
Unless you pirate it and download it from 3rd party source and not his website.

no, zygor was a free addon , in game addon
he sold PDF (written guides) , that is different. In game was always free, and is still free
go check it out it is awesome and i use it extensively, download, load a guide and follow up, u have rep guides, gold making guides, leveling by zone guides
all free


I know what Zygor is, how it looks and works and it’s not my kind of thing, I don’t really need it.

On his website, only the basic version of the addon (and not the guide/PDF) is free. The elite full version that you are talking about is billed monthly, as it has always been. :slightly_smiling_face:

Tons of ways to get it for free and updated in real time though. Took less than 2 minutes of google to find it.

the elite is the pdf written guide
in game is free, it always has been

  • Zygor Guide Viewer Addon, witch u refere to, is a pdf written version made available to you to download after u pay, and use even if wow is not opened, is a written bla bla and tips
    But IN GAME addon is free , click and play
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Well if you don’t have those it’s basically unusable and also you can’t share anyway so it makes the addon irrelevant

The AddOn is still free so its not against any ToS, you just pay for the data which is the same as paying for some streamers UI.

You are free to write your own dungeon data ofc

Its just a stunt. He will turn it back on again.

He is fed up with people nagging and pestering him for updates constantly especially while he is doing RWF.

I’m calling it now, he is just giving you a taste of what happens when you don’t leave the dev alone for a bit.

My bet is he turns it back on again like “JK. now shushhh”


Don’t even try to defend it. It’s an empty map dude, no npcs no background no nothing.

With what he’s said on Twitter he’s done.


He’s trying to “give the finger” to these few annoying users, but at the same time he’s also giving the finger to all other users who were not bothering him or would even have been sympathetic with him needing money or not having time to update the addon during the world first race.

On top of that, he’s giving the users a short-term inconvenience at best. All addons code is available and there are forks already. If using his addon becomes an inconvenience, his addon will be replaced very quickly with some alternative.

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Already is done, the new addon is called Manbaby dungeon tools lol


Actual Method or the splinter guild?

What did he say ?

Incoming cease and desist letter coming MDT way, such morons… wonder how much they will get sued for by blizz as well, doubt they let them keep the money, activision lawyers on retainers anyway, they basically live for this so they can actually meet their quotas and justify their fees.

Rip these people’s life. Smart enough to make an useful addon, touché for them it stopped there.

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Then streaming on twitch and making addons is kind of the wrong choice, huh? He might not get any money at all from twitch and you can’t sell addons.


-static hiss-


lol I cant imagine anyone actually paying for an addon