New update from MDT makes you pay for maps

depends on the fan base.

Well people subscribe to twitch streamers all the time, they sub for a configuration import string to have their UI look exactly like theirs.
I just don’t get why anyone would pay and subscribe to a streamer, and yet there are so many doing it.
Is this a zoomers thing? I can’t imagine anyone above 30 doing this

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Adjusted for flavor.


All depends on how much positive traction they give for Blizzard and their shareholders.
Blizzard has shown themselves to be morally bankrupt several times even in recent times (Hong Kong being one of them). They don’t care if prominent players are literally breaking the ToS if it means more revenue for them in the long term through exposure to the game.
I recall not too long ago another prominent streamer on Twitch using this position and influence to get off scot-free over basically using his stream to zero in on players he didn’t like and get them ganked in pvp, only for him to whine that he in turn was “sniped” by players watching his stream.

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No, It’s really different actually, cause ya know, UI’s generally tehdn to go for a whole overlay set for 200+usd if you want quality stuff…

A little bit of coding, no, not so much, at all+ it takes alot more time to graphically mae stuff for streams if you are inclined to get overlays.

I subscribe to streamers on twitch, but not any WoW streamers. Why? Because I enjoy the content they produce and want to support it.

in this case, it´s fine since it is on twitch, same with wow streamers.

The content, by which you mean just playing the game? I watch streams from time to time, to get some new ideas for m+, but the “content” is very veryy far from being good enough to be paid for.
They are so rich, they can play wow, they don’t need any support

Hes actually working for it and as you know sometimes work should give you $$$.

Im also not a fanboi, quite the opposite because last time i met this guy ingame back in WoD i was moaning on his chat for like 20 mins for something his team-mates did :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s still against TOS/EULA

No, I only subscribe to travel streamers.

Are you sure?
I think its like coaching that many players do and does not get banned, he is giving you something i guess.

Now if im wrong and you are right im sure blizzard will take care of it, they never let these things get away that easy.

He basically removed the functionality of the addon and put it behind a paywall… if you open the addon you get an empty black box

Good, download the previous version and let him wait for money.
Problem solved :stuck_out_tongue:

There is already an alternative it’s in my OP :slight_smile:

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I love the name; a dig I assume.


Haha yup that was their intention

He deleted those

he’s a streamer so blizzard won’t care, they’ll just choose to overlook it like they have with previous method/echo members (remember when scripe literally said himself on twitter he was involved in the RMT with gallywix community?)
Just gives less and less credibility to echo.

while i think this is way too dramatic he makes some points.

countless streamers are basically selling weakauras/details/elvui w/e profiles & strings in exchange for subs.

do the authors of weakauras/elvui get any revenue when a streamer gets like $5 for sharing a custom part of code for said addon? nobody is mad about it either.

i feel really bad for addon writers, so many people use addons, they’re used to getting it for free, always having it updated after a major patch while contributing nothing to the writers.

i wish blizzard would create their own addon section and just let us pay an optional sub or something that gets split between all creators.

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