New update from MDT makes you pay for maps

The difference is that even if you don’t have streamers elvui/WA profiles etc. those addons still work, you can still make your own WA’s and your own Elv profile etc. Right now, you can’t do anything with MDT because there is nothing there except a map, the entire functionality of the addon was removed and put behind a paywall

I just don’t get it. It’s probably not the content you throw your money at anyway, but some sense of belonging and taking the role of “supporting”.
It’s as lame as travel streamers

i understand that. but do you think it’s okay that certain individuals are making $ off of addon writer’s work?

like nobody bats an eye when x streamer is like “UI/WAs/elvui profile w/e available for subs”.

ofc, this is different, it’s against the tos but it will go back to free. this guy is certainly having some mental issues and needs to work it out before doing any addons stuff.

idk, out of all of this the one thing we should all realize is that addon writers’ work needs to be appreciated more, it’s a privilege that we can get it for free and we should stop demanding / nagging them 24/7 when an addon is out of date or has a bug. they’re providing their work for free.

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WA already has a patreon if you wish to support the foundation of that addon, same for ElvUI so if people wished to support them they can. They also have no issues with is so I don’t see why we should.

And that’s the crux of it, it’s against Blizzards TOS but my guess is nothing will happen about it. He’s in a top tier raiding guild and a streamer so Blizz will just let it slide under the radar just like they did with the RMT thing Echo did (It was while they were Method but everyone is in Echo now except for 1 member so it’s the same)

I’m pretty sure there are plenty of appreciation for these Addons looking at how many people use them on a daily basis as part of their selected AddOns to have installed, same with MDT.

MDT was praised by everyone doing M+ because it let you easily plan your route and mob count, every week there was routes posted on Rio with their MDT import string that was used by thousands upon thousands of players every week.

AddOn work is free, every AddOn maker knows this. If people wish to contribute towards you outside of WoW then start a patreon, but this is not the way to go about it as seen since now the addon is out again under a new name (cause the source code is free to be copied) and he’s getting all the hate

This I can agree on, but at the same time it’s been happening for years towards him so at this point he should be used to be (I know that’s a horrible way to look at it but it’s true) and if he can’t take that, why not just ban those words in his stream?

NnoggieToday at 03:45
Dungeon Data Import:
Password: GCLxBttjJg
NnoggieToday at 05:00
Paste the string in here:
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Authors too need to realize that haters will always hate but they don’t represent their whole userbase.

They also need to realize that their work may be very well appreciated, but it’s ultimately replaceable if there is enough motivation to do so.

Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Twitch is twitch and a completely different echo system. Forgoing the point we’re they had to go after twitch and not the individual second to that blizz or rather activision already got a hefty sum from twitch for hosting their OWL season one. Twitch basically over paid them not to hassle them ever again in the future about anything.

If addon creators want money directly they will have to go through a official blizzard store were they get their cut and such thing does not exist yet. Besides there will always be people willing to make stuff for free regardless. I mean just good luck really. Direct payments related to addons is derp move regardless and a sure way to self destruct your life. Just ask donations and you are legally ignored. Earn less but lose nothing.

Making addons isn’t a ‘job’ and isn’t allowed to be, for 1, and 2 sexually harassing someone because it’s their ‘job’ still isn’t OK.

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I would totally support this.

Blizzard shall integrate some of the essential addons (DBM, recount, healbot, etc. ) function into wow, and ban all 3rd party addons.

It is ridiculous that we need to install some 3rd party apps to play a game.

still expecting that ppl should pay is against rules and more money will get if they ask for donations and thats it

He definitely did, no question. If it’s something you said to a coworker at work, would you be accused of sexually harassing them? The answer is yes.

These are all members that were in Method, a guild notorious for harboring people for doing such things and acting on it as well. Continued coverups despite knowing about the stuff that took place with the members within the guild. He knew better, and so does Scripe.

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Any requirement of money in any form in order to use the addon in its entirety is against ToS, simple as that.

So, they’re either breaking the rules, providing additional data in the form of say a spread sheet for supporters, or purposely misleading users into giving them money when they don’t need to.

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thank you for saying this. definitely too dramatic but i understand it to some extent as well. if i was developing an addon and constantly had people bugging me to update it, i might go with some extreme option as well. the developer spends their time working for free so others can benefit from using it. the dev owes the users nothing, and perhaps he started viewing the userbase not as thankful, but as demanding. it seems like enough people started acting like they were paying customers, when they were not.

How on earth is this an issue? Honestly, everyone should know what packs they need and what to skip to reach 100% in M+ after the first week it was available. Has everyone been slacking?

Someone have a copy of it? Password has been changed…

There is a fork already:

Passwort: vat9puMe6H

I got your back

Imagine being him and changing the password 50 times a day, wont stop ppl from leaking lol

And yet they get a free pass from Blizzard, while Blizzard censors protests about Hong Kong.

I’ll pick “Yikes” for 200, Bob.

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Theres already an alternative to MDT, its just called “Dungeon Tools”. Works like MDT but is community maintained and has more features.