New warmonger's gear next season?

Will there be? If so, will I be able to use tokens earnt this season to buy it?

There will be a new bloody token set like each season since df.

The tokens will be reset with the patch, so spend them.

Conquest gets also resetted.

Honor can be pre farmed. Around 13k honor for a full pvp set on day one of the season.

Tokens and conquest will be capped til mid season again.

Source: Worked liked this in previous seasons. Dont have a link.

Ok thanks. How many ilvls higher will new honor gear be than current conquest gear, if the same as previous season?

No idea actually, but following the trend from earlier season the honor gear will have higher itemlvl and you will need this itemlvl as minimum to queue rated solo content.

The stat boost is usually enough to make even the green honor pieces better than the current conquest gear.

It might be worth to still keep 4 current pvp set pieces depending on how good the bonus is for your spec.

Ok thanks. Any idea when season 2 hits?

Together with the new content patch “Undermined”.

No one has a date yet. But dungeon testing started on the PTR. Raid testing has not started yet. I would say end of february.

Season end is traditionally announced two weeks beforehand. So stay tuned for blueposts.

Ok sweet. Thanks for all the info. Oo just one more question: will it be possible to convert next season’s gear at the catalyst with this season’s Harmonised Silk? I guess not, right?

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