New xpac is bad

yo can plz fix soon ???


Thanks for the constructive criticism, I’m sure they’ll get right on it.


thanks for your reply im sure u know what ur talking about random dwarf ret pala

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Dwarf? Not very clever are we

Must be your helmet, he thinks you’re a gryphon rider?


I’d agree, but it literally says human next to my icon. Wasn’t expecting much though considering the thread he made, followed by his comments.

The height of intelligence.


Next expansion blizzard will fix this one don’t worry.

Maybe he is insulting your height

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insulting his class pick

So you judge someone based on the class they post on?

I guess I’ll be posting from one of my other alts from now on :joy: :sweat_smile:

The PvP forums never fail to make me laugh. Thank you.

atleast u know, that everyone sees u as an gryphon rider dwarf now

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But what if he identify as a Trogg?

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good point!

since 2020 the world has become really complicated

i know warri players what identify themselves as a rogue and asking for a hero talent what makes them invisible

we are also at a point where Human Arathi Npc´s in Tww identify themselves as a elve


As an alt warrior player, I can confirm that people asked me to resurrect them :+1:

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And we all laughed at Mr. T back in 2007 … Turns out he was right all along .

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Mr T was right about what? What did he say? Also why does your YouTube link take me to a site which sells gaming pcs?

Fix what? This expansion has been great PvEwise thus far. Explain what you think is bad about it? Content is also beautiful as well.

What do you dislike about it?

I have been having a blast so far. The dungeons seem fun. The story was actually engaging (at least for me).

We wont know much more about things until 10th when i season starts.

Im genuinely curious as to what you dislike about it so far though.

pve wise? awerg oppagsdfgjopsgsdjopdpsjogasjop

Bro had a stroke

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