[News] Gain the Winds of Wisdom 100% Experience Buff

WoW token unavailable ,half of Orgrimar low level people .
It seems player inflow is real ,quite cool tbh :sunglasses:

Oh wait, what …

You know what Blizzard. Actually I might take this offer … :o

This is Awesome Thank You Blizzard :partying_face:

Give option people to turn it off because … Blizzard, you know there are always those, who have to complain. Put there some NPC or something, or sell potions with minus 100% exp gain.

I am within few hours tired of complainers who have to complain no matter nice deed you do.


Tbh that experience buff should be baseline at this point. Levelling is just an annoying obstacle to waste time on before you can start playing.

It’s like an annoying tutorial that cannot be skipped, doesn’t really teach you anything and you’re forced to sit through the whole thing even though you’ve played the game 100 times before.

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No go. If my computer detects that the fan itself isn’t running it shuts itself down automatically. So I either play with the actual fan installed and have it continually scrape the internal components due to faulty bearing (it’s extremely loud and generating friction, not good) or I take it out and my computer nopes out once WoW has been running for a minute.

I might have access to a second device by today, temporary, not as smooth and missing my macros etc, but good enough to churn my dailies and level chars up.

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Aww but i didn’t even mention how it showed us just how bad the faction imbalance have gotten.

Thanks blizzard! Awesome job in the past few weeks!

And then there’s always someone who complains. Shocker.

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Much appreciated!
(Currently trying to get a DK to 120 before TW ends while being busy with other stuff, too.)

Awesome. Time to level up a few toons. Thanks!

WAAAY cooler and more in theme if it came with a non cleansable disease rebuff, allowing you to play 2 hrs per day before dying…

Was expecting people to complain about it, and was not disapointed after reading this thread.

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Only because it’s not optional and massively affects gameplay speed.

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Love this :heart:

One minute que as dps :open_mouth:

I just turn in few quests, 100 % is nothing. What about to give us 300 % instead of 100 %? 100 % is worthless! It is just my words!

I’ll be using this XP buff to level my rogue. I was planning on waiting with her for Shadowlands and use her to experience the leveling revamp, but I guess now is as good of a time as any.

My Vulpera was level 28 ish yesterday and after a couple of hours of dungeons yesterday and a couple of hours today she is now 81. It’s soooo fast I’m loving it!

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Just FYI, Link in my Blizzard App to this thread is broken. It’s missing the : after https .

Can we now have the same for WoW Classic please.

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