[News] Gain the Winds of Wisdom 100% Experience Buff

This is fantastic, although I would absolutely love it if BFA also went on sale again. Pretty please?

Guys do you know what would go well with the XP boost spirit?
A similar big rep gain boost up to Exalted (not beyond to avoid abuse)

wod terasure hunting was nice. only needed to search for them in shadowmoon valley with bonus objectives and a few in talador. ready for legion already :o

I mean the experience buff is nice for some people, but wouldnt it have been more fun to bring korraks revenge back? That was pretty fun to play and level in. It just needed some kind of punishment system to whack allies in the head when they are afking

Check out retailers. They have to sell their copies of BFA before shadowlands comes and makes them worthless and they thus usually sell it for about half the original price

May be hard to get your hand on hard copies tho. I could get it for 24€ with my baguette retailer altho i dunno if they still ship them with the lockdown (well, they most likely do)

The launcher links to www dot https dot com//eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/news-gain-the-winds-of-wisdom-100-experience-buff/134865?blzcmp=blizzard-news instead of this site.

You are missing a crucial : in the URL. This is very dangerous since https dot com could easily make a mock-up of the blizz site and ask for login credentials and very few would know better.

Seriously. Fix this NOW.

any chance the can extend the buff for longer time sins the expension is about to end


This would be great.

Some people have more time to play and that’s great, but some of us have way less time to play.

I see my question has been asked by others, but not yet answered.
After returning from a 2.5 year break I was hoping to get some fun and take a newcomers approach with a class I’m familiar with. So this buff kinda counters my intention for returning.

Is it possible to opt-out of it?

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I was hoping for a bit more helpfulness from the WoW community. I was asking a genuine question, a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ is all I need.

No you can’t. You could just wait another two weeks until its gone though and in that time play the toon you’re posting on.

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such is life for uber eats peasants.

Thank you for clarifying. It’s a shame, I even tried the ‘/cancelaura’ command, but you can’t remove it :frowning:


I know it may sound crazy and stupid to many, but I won’t be playing again until this is over; it has skewed my levelling and questing, and not in a way that I enjoy, AND I can’t opt out. Obviously, YMMV.

Dear Blizz, please, please continue this buff for longer than April 20. So much to do, so little time. Thank you.
(PS: on behalf of key workers everywhere who might also like to level up some alts.)


So it it only for leveling? I hit 120 with one and only champ, and I would really need the bonus reputation. But I do not have the buff… why?

Thank you

Because it only affects experience, and is thus removed at 120, since you don’t need experience anymore.

Can it be removed? I dont wish to have this buff

No, I guess you’ll just have to wait it out if you don’t wish to level with it.

Not for classic tho’?