Minor nerfs added instead of removing the AoE cap nerf ? What are we doing ?
Rework incoming or what ? Fkin joke
I mean, this time next week friend. Pretty much been every week since launch no?
Well I guess unsub is the only answer now. They getting paid to eventually bring us some fun. Well kinda I don’t have it with constant nerfs
Im excited for new nerfs i mean we still do more st then aug and it’s unacceptable! Nerf rampage, execute and make ww buff 40% cleave damage!!! And nerf smf while at it can’t let those 3 people enjoy thier +2 delves!
fury doesn’t do more than aug in ST xD
Nerfs seem to come out on a weekly basis. As per usual.
I kinda wish they just wrote in the dev notes:
“No, you are not allowed to have fun in keys. Yes, you are not the best - so why are you still playing the spec? Fun you say? Well, we better do our damndest to remove that, die fury burst die!”
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