Next patch, Life Cocoon will be nerfed by 40%>

Do you feel like Mistweaver is currently overperforming?

No they’re not. I don’t think any of the healers are. THOUGH I do think some people make MW atm sound worse than they are…
The nerf will hurt though.
Buff priest healing and reduce dmg, rework pally entirely and shift some of rsham heal out of totems would probably help a lot.

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The main reason to even use HST is to get swirling currents stacks for some much required output boosts for riptide etc. HST healing is basically useless vs any burst dmg and HTT healing starts out very weak only gets decent if you let the totem do its thing for about 6 seconds. Not to mention it gets oneshotted anyway…

That’s why I want rsham to be less dependent on the damned sticks they put in the ground.
People kill them or out range it lol. Specifically in shuffle or bgs I feel!

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But thats shamans class fantasy though. And we finally have some cool new spells for totems exclusively like totemic projection. I have waited a long time for things like these.

Yes. The MW players.


You mean the healer that is competing with Hpally for the worst healer in the game? Move the slider to show above 2k cr in 3s

From all of the games I played in shuffle I have seen 2-3 MWs max. It’s one of the worst healers for shuffle as well. You have to cast so much it is unbelievable.

The nerfs to Cacoon are fine, but we need some insta cast spells.

Truuue but it’s also why I dislike healing on them😂

My brother in Christ, if you dislike healing with totems, maybe the way forward isn’t to delete totems from Shamans, but rather for you to play a healer that you actually enjoy.

I understand you may feel that way if you’re struggling on a resto druid, but trust me when I say that if you can’t make resto druid work, you won’t succeed on any healer. You can unbind half your spellbook on resto druid and it’s still the strongest healer.

Least represented healer after holy priest, who can just swap to disc which is doing quite well.

Maybe holy priest. Disc is already performing very well. Paladin is weak but still represented more than mw. Rsham isn’t that bad, unless you compare it to the massively overtuned resto druid and slightly less overtuned prevoker.

I never said druid was bad?

Weather they’re overperforming or not, cocoon absorb is riddiculous. They never get it right. It either absorbs too little, or too much. Now it’s on the latter

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doesn’t mean they have to tie the healing so heavily into them imo.

shaman had good totem utility from vanilla till cata too, and none of it was tied into totems and it was fun to play. then they introduced abominations like healing stream / tide / earthen wall totem and as a result gutted the healing from the shaman himself and people realised man if we just run away from earthen wall or attack his totems we make him useless

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They should give Mistweaver the old Legion spec design back tbh.

It was sooo fun to play then, unkickable Soothing Mist, and castable while moving. (also port was on a 20sec CD instead of the current 45sec CD if I remember correctly)

I’m not sure why they nerfed it so hard in the first place. Was it broken? Don’t think so.
But it fitted extraordinarily well with the general monk design, a really mobile healer that was both hard to reach and hence hard to cc while being also the squishiest one.

Now we have the most mobile class in the game, having to stand still like a turret in order to heal, so dumb.

I’ve encountered 1 since season start both 3 wins both of us lost rating and both of us running and kiting demon hunters and rolling like hamsters in our cocoonballs…

So next patch Bonedustbrew gone ( get a long casting thingie in return) and they nerf our last line of defense cocoon that is gone in 2 secs if you have ret / devo comp…


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You typed “Warlords of Draenor” wrong.
Legion destroyed everything unique and fun about Mistweaver.

It removed Chi.
It removed stances.
It removed Mana Tea.
It removed Touch of Death.
It removed the interrupt.
It removed Nimble brew.
It removed the ability to use Cocoon while stunned.
It removed the 3 charges of Rising Sun Kick.

Legion is to blame for 80% of what is wrong with current Mistweaver.
The remaining 20% is BFA and the GCD on Soothing Mist.

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This is exactly what I meant but failed to express properly :joy:

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