Is the disc priest nerfs actually going to make a dent in them or do I just reroll now?
Tried mw, cba rdruid tried in pre-patch.
Lose every time vs disc.
I’m bad, yeah. But these priests out there backpedalling their way to 1800, sitting all of the cc, meanwhile I at least try.
Wow that’s nice seeing karma owning hypocrites in a very short time 
Should I say it ? Or I should not ?
Screw it, I’ll just say it 
No one cares about you nor your qq ing about priests.
And if you leave, no one will miss about you anyway
I hope you feel amazing after tasting your own medicine 
Do I know you?
I feel like I probably should based on the answer lol.
Thanks for your input though I’ll take the it into consideration when I reroll priest.
I like priests healers, they have really nice buffs that helps me .
So yeah, we need more priests, even if they hurt your ego
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Is forum grudges a thing now?
That gave me a laugh, nice one.
Lmao same a good chuckle at work. That came out of no where xD
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I had enough out of your weak ego
No one is holding grudges at you, because no one sees you important as you think you are
You get what you give, stop playing the victim you hypocrite
It looks like rdruid is not going to see much play and disc is remaining good with mw, I would suggest some dps with soloqs in mind and all. Healing as anything is meh at best since dragonflight now, cant say anything is enjoyable in the soloqs however so if one wishes to add bit more to the suffering then I guess healing them is also possibility 
Mw didn’t feel good to play, but perhaps it’s simply because of how far ahead the priests are in comparison…
Might try paladin, seems pretty simple?
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Why not priest, disc seems ok 
I did play priest in df actually!
But I really don’t like the very limited mobility and having to be in melee to cc!
I’m spoiled by druid/mw and their fast mobility 
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