Nice job, buckets of (here is your option)

Skipped Cho hc cause “you have different ID” when i have SAME ID.
Cache, relog, log another realm. Don’t even say about that. Im playing since 2009 so i probably know a lot more than forum trolls.
Can’t say about retail, cause there working a lot of agenda teams, but classic for 100% sure is milking a dying cow.


Plenty of threads about this, i have provided ways to get around this bug in several of them.

If it happens, leave raid group, and try to enter the raid with multiple people until one of you are able to enter, this player invite the rest of the group. Have wipe protection up at all times / have the healer run in and res up the rest of the group. it seem to only happen if every player leave the instance


Blizzard do everything to make people stop playing classic :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Got similar issue today(

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