Niche RP Guilds, hit me up

Hit me up,

I am after a small but established guild with strong RP storylines. I’ll try my hand to anything and everything as I have a variety of characters :).



How are you even asking? Clan Stormheart is the obvious answer. They really good and not mainstream at all.


For real, non-cult, scholarly Warlock RP, Eredun Lullaby is fantastic. I’m having great fun with them atm. Small, but made in 2011. Big recommend from me. But then, I’m in it, so I’m biased. :joy:

Just gonna plug my monster hunting guild which has months of Storylines planned out in advance :slight_smile:

Can’t get more niche than a Guild of Blood Elven Dragonhawk riders, We’re Squadron sized, (Though we prefer the term Escadrille) and pretty much-thrive- on story based RP, or if you’re set on Team Blue, we have aerial foes, though with chivalry and Panache in the Knights Gryphon and Clan Stormheart…

Can absolutely recommend both the Sun Hawks and Havenguard, great RP to be found in both guilds.

(Not familiar enough with either Stormheart or Eredun Lullaby to comment on their RP, though it sounds good!)

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Hey lad! Have a read of the Stormheart thread and see if it takes your fancy! ^^ Hope you find what you’re looking for!


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