Niche-Specs in Dungeon Groups

Hello there!

Just popping a quick question that is going on in my head for quite some time, and greatly influences the motivation on the charakter choices for hc:

Is the HC community actually willing to let non-min/maxed class-specs participate in dungeons? I am not thinking about melee-mages or naked-challange runs, but rather about kinda valueable specs e.g. wrath spamming druids or priests that would like to keep on smiteing as dps instead of beeing placed into the healing slot (even if the skilltree does not match this role). Also tanking shamans, which actualy were a thing during classic (so I got told…) would fall into this category.

Yet there are at least 4 other players risking their chars when not everybody is going maximum on theirs…so, would you let such niche charakters tag along in a dungeon…or not?

This tagging the open world and not guild internal groups, which work greatly different here…

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Shamans can tank but not end game content, they lack tools so it isn’t popular. Feral druids are fairly common, balance druids less because of the oom. Enhancement and elemental shaman are played as well, tho enhancement is a risk for overaggro with wf bombs. If you’re not a moron you’ll find groups even with a non minmax spec, I mean don’t list yourself as a healer if you’re going to be in shadowform the entire run. Community is overly positive and its a real mmo, people go out of their way to help you. On our server there is a lot of interguild communication so basicaly everyone knows everyone, especialy if you’re a bit active on the disc too.

In my opinion, yes.
I’d welcome anyone, in any spec, in any form into my dungeon group.

I see no reason why a priest shouldn’t smite DPS if they enjoy that. We’re doing a dungeon, not racing for world first.

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