Night Elf concept?

Hey guys!

So basically, I really want to play a night elf, but it kinda is difficult for me to find a good starting concept.
I like to always play something IC, which resembles the class I’m playing as much as possible.
So I’m not sure yet if I will make this rogue here a night elf or if my second Character (monk, hunter) will be a night elf.

Rogue: I wouldn’t play this one as a thief or rogue directly, more an “adventurer”, it would make more sense to me, that he’s just very good at using close combat weapons to deadly precision, while being sneaky and agile. On the other hand, there are male nightelf spies in eversong forest… Would an adventurer concept even make sense after the burning of teldrassil?

Hunter: Same as above, I love the freedom “adventurer-types” give, just this one would use a bow. Do night elf mercs/bounty hunters make sense? It probably would just make more sense to hunt down horde with a military force, then on their own and for profit, aye?

Monk: I had this crazy idea about a night elf druid, using fist weapons in close combat, combined with nature magic, without using forms, but being inspired by the ferocity of the wildlife (purple wolverine…?). I was searching for reasons for him, not use any forms, sadly didn’t find anything. Are there druids of this type out there? Maybe he lost the ability to do so and had to make up for it in combat in a different way? Could also work for the rogue? (I don’t like to play druids ooc, that is why not choosing a druid here)

Any Night Elf pros able to lend me a hand? :slight_smile:


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You have some interesting concepts here, but as a disclaimer, I can’t comment on the third prospect because I’ve never played a monk before. I hope that someone else can offer advice on that.

Regarding the other two, then one could see the concepts as related and the mechanics as incidental. You could view this as two archetypes:

  1. A spy who watches from afar, stalks, and works in secret, or
  2. A mercenary who left Kaldorei society at large to sell their skills for money.

Whether the fellow prefers a dagger or a bow would be incidental at that point as the underlying motivation could work with either mechanical play style. I know of two in-game organizations which could fit with this concept, both of which are a little obscure which does give you wiggle room in which you can build a backstory.

The first is the Council of the Forest if you like a fighter for environmental justice; the second is the Sentinel spies if you’re interested in espionage. Both of those groups can be found on Wowpedia. In contrast, if you go with the wandering mercenary/lone wolf thing, you wouldn’t need to base the character on an existing organization.

Good luck either way; I hope this was of some help.

Ambushes, stealth and archery are some of the main tactics of the kaldorei. It works out just fine. I wouldn’t play a monk as anything but monk, though. They’re so narrowly defined that they can barely ever be divorced from their pandaren origin.

Well in a way that could work as the The August Celestials are four powerful Wild Gods and the night elves often work with them.
You could have it that your character was once a druid or a druid in training but was lead by something into following these wild gods and the way of a monk.

well it has not been overly long since night elves knew of the rest of the world often living in kalimdor most of the time so they may use their skills to pay for passege and lodging to see the world.

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