Night Elf, Druid, Enchanting?

I need help, I want my druid to learn enchanting but how I go about roleplaying it? I mean he thinks arcane is dangerous and should not be used, is it feasible to roleplay it with nature stripping magic from items(disenchant) and imbue/bless items with nature magic? Or is that too much of a stretch?

Just donā€™t RP professions?
Iā€™m really against your character being a craftsman and a fighter and 5 more other things that isnā€™t even RPed and just serves to lengthen the full title tab in your trp.


It depends on, what character do you roleplay. You could be druid, who just doesnā€™t obey the rules of society. Who taps in to arcane magic and studies it. But you must be ready to face consenquences of your actions. Other night elfs could react to your actions negatively.
Some professions can be roleplayed safely. For example skinning or cooking. Some fit more to some classes. For example herbalism - druid. Enchanting - mage.
In my opinion, you could roleplay enchanting as you described: infusing the item with nature magic (thorns, lifeblooms) or dismantling them with whatever you think of. But you should always somehow ensure through /e that everybody understands what your character is doing, because ingame animations could be innacurate. Especially when everybody connects enchanting with arcane magic.


Thank you both for your input, I like to roleplay professions too, Iā€™m not roleplaying as mastercraftsman or anything, since Iā€™m an herbalist/skinner thatā€™s not too hard for a druid to be honest, and If I go the route of ā€œdruidic enchantingā€ I might roleplay it as personal research into druidism, itā€™s just Iā€™d hate to powerplay or turn someone else off by claiming Iā€™m able/am something outrageous, so I came to ask for advice.

Enchanting was never outlawed in kaldorei society, despite its origins being arcane. There are also nature and light enchantments out there.

Either way, arcane enchanting doesnā€˜t seem to corrupt nor can it blow up a continent, so Iā€˜m guessing thatā€˜s slso part of the reason it isnā€˜t outlawed.

We see an enchantment profession trainer (night elf) in Darnassus both in Classic and after Cata.

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