Night Elf Female customization! Tyvm blizzard!

Thx Blizzard! Finally, I can make a red eyes dark elf :slight_smile:


Those are actually pretty cool, seems like I won’t race change my characters anytime soon

The vines in hair are amazing! I really want to play night elf now… These looks are amazing for druids! :sob:

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Time to make an alt?

I do have a max level nelf druid who may need to get a new hairdo… I’d just rather play a pretty nelf with leaves in her hair than a troll, but alas my guild and most friends are Horde… Any race any faction please! :grin:

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I would love this too.

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I don’t see any red eyes

wow these are SO good

Oh thank Elune!
Smaller ears for my night elf priestess!
Ever since vanilla, the fact my staff goes right through my damn ears has burned my bacon and made me twitch when playing one.

While I expect the staff may still brush against the smallest of them, its better than the alternative (which looked like she had a hole the size of a tennis ball worn out if her right ear from the friction of the damn staffs I preferred back then, before mogging)

I’ve got the archetypal Nelf Hunter, along with a warrior and Druid. All female.
They will all be getting a makeover once the new looks come out. The options look great.

The new customisations look good, but those “red” eyes are just the blinded versions of the golden eyes.

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