Might as well get rid of that while you’re at it.
Add the dance based on Britney Spears’ “Toxic”, too…
They shouldn’t add anything unless they do a clean slate. These twitter activists, calling themselves “developers” are actually killing the game for real this time.
And why is every employee a senior rank?
To the list of stuff that is too provocative for 21st Century puritans to be exposed to, I meant…
It’s a fantasy game, not real life.
Say the one who wants the Female Night Elf dance removed… FML.
If something in a game offends your sensibilities, stop playing that game.
Ohh… another plank who doesn’t GET that textual sarcasm is an epic fail; sarcasm works ONLY with the SPOKEN word.
See above… it’s only funny to YOU, because only YOU can hear yourself saying it.
Also; “Humour fails (it’s not funny) if you have to explain it”.
I mean, I can tell its bait / sarcasm from previous posts hes done but thats just me.
Its kinda what happens when twitter is dictating what the blizz devs do by this point, which is really sad because alot of the stuff in the game is fine due to age rating. The only one really worth removing due to cultural offense I guess could be the native american joke, the rest has no reason to be removed.
Nice edit bro
So i have to take this that doing nighelf dance moves aint best thing to do at club… I KNEW IT
Looking at every female dance and most of the references of the song they are based on, may as well remove them all, very few of them are not referring to sex.
That seems a bit excessive. Maybe just make the characters polymorph into non-offensive swaying piles of fruit.
I’d happily swap the belf dance with the nelf one.
The kaldorei have elegant, gentle dance moves, in fact it’s the best in the game.
Might aswell finally add new dances as advertised for wrath of the lichking…
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