Night Elf Male casting animation

This is just…wrong.

I would really like to play a Nightborne, but, you know…

I don’t know which department is to blame for this, but I blame the living shit out of them.


I’m confused. What are you saying? That the casting animations are the same?

To be fair i think more people play mechagnomes than a MALE Night elf

That they look terrible, for both.

Looking terrible is what you signed up for when you created a male nelf.


Female is not better… Make a Spriest (120 class trial) and start casting Mind Flay and Mind Seer.

Jokes aside, those animations look really bad and I wish we had better ones.

If the only thing that bothers you is headache animation then just make Spiest and this will fit class fantasy perfectly with mind blasts and stuff.

I have bigger problem because I hate broken/ugly channeling type of animations and it affects more races like Velf Female, Zandalari Trolls, Tauren Male and probably many more! Not just Night Elves or Nightborne (both genders).

I don’t see what’s wrong tbh

Clearly the elf models defiently needs a rework and an overhoul. cos this 15 years of ugly animation is cealrly underwhelming :smiley:

I worry for your sight, friend.

You can be worried, or you can just explain, your call

Respec to Blood, pick Blooddrinker talent and keep spamming it till you see the problem :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hint: Watch your Hands

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