Night Elf new customization in shadowlands

Good news ! We can now look like Tyrande and Malfurion ! amazing addition for the Kaldorei, very similar to Warcraft 3 Night Elves ! The design looks like the original Nelf on the Wc game cover.
Non druids can have Silver eyes if you want to be lore accurate (available for both males and females :D)
You can also have an injured eye which does not glow.
Females can have earrings and nose piercings like Tyrande’s non night warrior model ! Awesome Blizzard !


Still male one don’t wihout beard for stay eyebrows… :frowning:
I hate when male nelf lost eyebrows when not beard…
https ://

But, I see new hairstyle look good with beard. I’ll go change it.

i must admit those customisation please me.

But i agree with a friend some leave look like rushed, i hope they will pay attention on it and with animation on hair too.


They’re stellar, I love them. So glad they’re going for the box art style night elves! Also, can I just say I’ve been hoping for the yellow eyes for years? I read that in Night Elf society, druids are born with yellow eyes and ever since then I’ve hoped I could change my female night elf druid’s eyes. c:

That super fluffy/wavy half up hairstyle is my favourite so far, I can’t wait to have it. ^-^


The golden eye mean that the night elf is destined to a great destiny ( Like Ilidan , that we know later that the golden eyes is because of the Prime Naaru Xera , that ilidan was soo happy to see Xera that he “gaze” upon it :smile:)

But feels that not only druid, Ashara got golden eyes too :smile:

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Nice! I’m excited for my Alliance Priest :grin:

I feel like the Customization will bring back many Warcraft 3 vibes. Now we have Mag’har Orcs, Highborne , high elves, Kul Titans. All we are missing really is Ogres and Green trolls.

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It took me a while to get what this dude was trying to say lmao

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The should add a black “smoked” Nelf customization to match the nelfs of teldrassil :stuck_out_tongue:

Honor the dead right ? :joy:


Female Night Elf must have a few more long hair options, good changes.

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This! I am not ungrateful and I admit that the customizations are very pleasing but female night elves REALLY need long hairstyles. The only one is the straight long which is the same as the one males have and makes them look a bit outdated and masculine. I’d really be happy with more long hairstyles!


Looks like I won’t be playing a different race anytime soon

Comedy heaven

The new customization looks great. I’d love to see more braids though

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I have to say, I’m impressed.
A lot of Druidic features, which is always nice to see.

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Very excited about the WC3 look, it was actually a logical choice, but at the same time came unexpectedly for me.

What I do hope for the future is that the polygons for the new ear shapes are refined, as some have a very chunky look at this stage.

Also, considering the options some other races have gotten, I would at least hope for some variation in the color and shapes of the jewelry! Nothing major, but at least some other colors of necklaces, for example.

Oh, and I really must say, the purple (blind silver) and red (blind golden) eyes totally rock.

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Nah thats your post for all of us that read them, i think you should know that by reading all replies you get back :rofl:

Oh my goodness I love these!!

We still need an HD night elf mohawk

I was mean this what I wanted

https ://

Very nice, but could we please also have:

  • Emerald dream green eyes (Druid only would be ok)
  • Thinner eyebrows for the males
  • Headdresses with different jewels (stones, pearls)
  • Necklaces with different stones (and pearls)
  • blue, black and white facial tattoos
  • a few more shapes of facial tattoos
  • a full moon white skin tone and a darker purple one

Example markings: (the black and white ones please!)

Example skins: (Full moon color is a must!)


We’re getting eyebrow customization so it seems they’re going to be a seperate option?