Night elf players, please unsubscribe

I will just repost this.

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Hey, Darkshore should be saw as a fight back from WC III. NE vs Scourge :rofl:

Hey guys, do you remember that one time Blizzard wrote a good story about the Night Elves which was faithful to the source material and actually made the fans happy?

Yeah, me neither.


Delaryn and Sira are recruiting.
They saw the light. I take it you guys came to your senses as well.
No hope btw.

Jesus Christ, we are literally playing an expansion where the Alliance is butchered and portrayed like incompetent morons, thrown under the bus and made to lick Anduin’s boots although he is an 19 year old teenager who’s someone’s precious Golden boy.

The Horde is going through YET another self-destroying story where characters will probably start dropping like flies in the best possible MOP recycle.

Individual races have been butchered, characters have been destroyed.

And in all this tornado of crap, you have ONE RACE claiming that they suffer the most. I have been here for a year, the night elven fans have generated more salt then the ENTIRE HORDE community.

I get it, its bad, but seriously, the “we suffer the most” attitude is getting rather obnoxious.



Fear not. You won’t have a nelf community soon enough. It shall be silent.


You legit don’t get it. If they keep doing it like this, WoW WILL die. We are ALL on the line.


If your not Jaina, Anduin or Sylvanas - you are basically screwed and that’s everyone.

Look at what happened to Turaylon and Alleria…


Of course I get it. I already said we were the canary in the coal mine and screaming. I play other races than this character. Or used to anyway.

Welcome to the Horde player experience.

Or, to be more precise, what Orcs felt in MoP, and Forsaken are feeling in BfA.

With the additive of having the other half of the playerbase (or a big chunk of it) cheering while screaming “More!”,“More!”, “More!”… (or “Not enough!”, “Not enough!”,…)

And as a troll player, still waiting on Blizzard to deliver a racial leader, a functional capitol, and something resembling racial identity/stories.
Been waiting for the first about half a decade, and for the later for 2 and a half decades.

Pissing contests seem rather pointless with the current garbage fire. But, there are certain reactions that seem waaaaay over the top.


“Hey guys, I know that the entirety of the community is angry about how their race is getting butchered in this terrible story, but guess who got it the worst?”


Blizzard: “Hey Night Elf players, do you want to enact vengeance on the evil monarch who destroyed your empire millenia ago and who has caused you so much suffering over the years?”

Night Elf players: “Hell yeah!”

Blizz: “Well, not going to happen. Instead, you will be doing asbolutely nothing.”


I see Zarao’s selective memory is at work. Zul’jin clearly never existed, or the fact that the Zandalari just joined the Horde.

Some of you think i’m going over the top. But when they are done with us as a race, your turn will come.



Guess you should be grateful then! Given you seem to count on villain batted characters, or entire new breeds of the race you play, then Night elves should be grateful about Staghelm in Cataclysm and the Void elves in BfA!

I’ll keep on waiting on Darkspear stuff, mind you.

Anyway, done with the pissing contest. You guys do you.

And Elyssarain, be mindful about mocking someone else’s lore while simultaneously complaining about this stuff. Makes you sound rather hypocrite.


I think Blizzard have seen the Nightborne and sort of consider that to be the “Elven vengeance” on the ancient Queen.

It might be that line of thinking whereby it’s “Well Thalyssra knew of Azshara. Let’s have it where one of her Apprentices joined Azshara and became Naga and let’s establish a Nightborne vs Naga thing.”
Make no mistake, I don’t like this approach.

The difference between the other races and Night Elves is that they don’t get so much attention. Night Elves were in the (bad) spotlight the most of the time. That’s why it feels that they have it worser than other races.


Don’t forget Vol’jin either!

And sure, i’d take 5 Staghelms if it meant a proper narrative.

When I take lore advice from you Zarao, I’ll be sure to tell Thoradin to burn the other half of the human regiments. You know, the half he hadn’t apprently burned yet.

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Hey,you scare me with this thread,i dunno what will happen in next patch,let’s just leave evrythying where it is for now,ok.

Well, look at the bright side: Classic is coming out in a few months! There we have all our favorite characters, unchanged and undamaged. We have great morally grey actions within the Alliance, we have corruption in Stormwind, we have old-school-Thrall and Sylvanas.


I’m excited to see the old park in Stormwind again :heart: