Night elf potential

Yes, according to the book Night Elves have send all their army to the Silithus. They were planning to stop entire Horde, alone, with their army. So army was pretty big.
While only city guards and rookies were left, to defend the lands.
That’s why Horde army was 8 times bigger in the War of the Thorns. That is why Night Elves, race that is so popular with their druids, had only about ~10 druids at that battle, and no Hippogriffs riders e.t.c

At the end of the war, fleet have returned. Ships started to shoot from cannons. But soldiers were staying on the ships. There is also mentioned, that Night Elves were waiting until other ships, the bigger and slower ones will return.

Offtop - in WoW there are no Night Elves War ship model like in Warcraft 3. Only transport ship.

Later, Horde managed to capture one ship. Another 2 ships were burned down by orcs shamans. Then, Shandris ordered to flee back to the sea. She was planning to attack on Teldrassil, when it will be captured by the Horde.

In other words according to the books, fleet with main army survived.

Later, in game, after Teldrassil was burned down, there was some changes during 2 next weeks on Darkshores. About 6 Night Elves ships were in battle with Blood Elves. Another ~6 ships were just standing in the sea. Another 2 ships with refugees and a small army appeared on the North.
Also Dryands appeared there building some barricades. And moon priestess were creating some moon stones there.

I have no Idea why those Night Elves were shown. But later they were just removed.

In table missions is mentioned, that Night Elves are continue to evacuate refugees from Teldrassil, by the sea. That is happening after the Burning of Teldrassil.
Probably those were refugees from Rut’theran Village. Those who were close to water and could survive.

Also in Stormwind one Night Elves ship stands broken. With words that this ship brings refugees.

A couple of more Night Elves ships were shown different locations of BfA. Even at ZulDazar were Alliance fleet was destroyed, there is one destroyed Night Elves ship.

What my point is, that yes, the feet with soldiers survived. This is where Tyrande found soldiers to created Army of the Black Moon. This is where Night Elves found soldiers for suicide mission. This is where Night Elves managed to find soldiers for different war missions, invasions, and quest in BfA.
Also this is from where Nigh Elves found soldiers for last siege of Orgrimmar.

It was not a cloning machine. It was army of the Night Elves.

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Gorem feels responsible for the WoT and is sad for the Night Elves. If you ever need help with repopulation, Gorem will always be there to help ya.


Phew, thank god, I can pretend I did not see it.


Infact you are wrong. It is more to it than just the Wrynn family. Humans not being good at stuff they do. But THE BEST even. Jaina for mages, Anduin for priests, also Khadgar and many more. Wouldn’t surprise me if the thornspeakers will soon outmatch Malfurion. A d everyone else that used to be non human as face for certain powers and class fantasies. Humans being omnipresent and other races suffer to make it possible.

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I think I am hearing voices.

The Erevien needs to stop!

Chief Goremmash, as your future king, I order you to purge this Erevien.

You’re not my king. The only one I serve is Baine. But I guess he would want the same so I accept your order for once. Erevien, snu snu will free you from all your sins!

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This thread feels like a punch.


Araphant: “Let the forums burn.”


Yesyes of course, but how do we bring Bronzebeard imperialism into this?


Give Ironforge portals. But no memes, I wish we had the good ol’ Magni who sent dorfs to kill tauren in Barrens and to remove Frostwolf squatters from the land they shouldn’t be in. Not the crystal parody we have now.


:sob: tfw your leader turns into crystal meh right when Mulgore was ready for the taking.


This is too accurate.

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It’s only a matter of time until the Bronzebeard fascists under the leadership of Muradin Bronzebeard rise up again, throw out the Wildhammers and Dark Irons and proclaim the Empire of Ironforge or the Bronzebeard Empire whatever floats your boat.

By the way: The attack on Dazar’alor is counted by Blizzard as another form of balance for Teldrassil, because they thought the Alliance sucked too hard during Undercity and it wasn’t a ‘real’ victory.

By the way do you people remember the questline in Stonard where you push into the town, destroy everything and when you finish the quest everything goes back to phase 1? Meanwhile, the Alliance actually completely loses a flight path in the Western Plaguelands as soon as they finish up Andorhal. Mind you it’s not an important flight path, but still.

Sadly, Cataclysm was the point in time when Blizzard thought that the people loved eastereggs and memes so much that they should add them into EVERY zone and put them into the spotlight instead of hiding them or only make a small reference in a quote or quest text. That’s why we have Rambo and a whole-plot-reference to Indiana Jones in Uldum.

The Kingdom of Stormwind has probably suffered like no other race in the game. It’s a completely empty shell without any identity. Stormwind would work as a “Vanilla”-human-fantasy-faction with noble knights, loyal and courageous soldiers, holy priests and powerful wizards. You need such a faction in a fantasy world. It’s easy, it always works, and everybody can identify him/herself with it. It might taste a little bit boring or stale, but it’s still quite nice.

But, Stormwind doesn’t even have that anymore. The Church of the Holy Light has been reduced to complete nothingness (not even a new Archbishop was introduced after Benedictus got removed in Cataclysm), the Brotherhood of the Horse doesn’t even appear ingame, and Stormwind itself has no powerful or unique mages on their own. The House of Nobles has been reduced to butler to the Wrynns. The humans of Stormwind can be replaced with robots…and nothing would change.

“The Empire” of Warhammer Fantasy shows how you create a Vanilla, but still pretty interesting, human faction.

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Warhammer Fantasy have a such better worldbuilding.

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I think that you misunderstood what “human potential” was applied to.

I agree that people confuse decent lore with geting marvelesque super heroes that make armies look obsolete.

I agree with you that getting ridiculous pop culture references is a no way to go, however despite all this CSI references I remember that Westfall did had quite a nice story covering Vanessa Van Cleef and and her motivations, I also recall covering extreme poverty issues this zone had, which made me play around with human character who’s backstory was that it was super poor dark skinned squire that tried to let the ends meet. So I don’t think that westfall was such a disaster as you make it be.

I am not sure about Redrige and I agree that more could’ve been done with Duskwood, you made a point of losing another rather big settlements for not very satisfying plot.

What I get for human potential is exactly the characters like Varian or Jaina walking around being randomly chosen by some extra deities, or having God-Tier powers. For example I don’t have an issue with Jaina being more powerful than your average mage, especially when she has empowered staff, but making entire ship fly, creating multiple arcane canons, making entire field to freeze, and teleport people around like it’s nothing IS a ridiculous stretch.

But I was also vocal that these kind of portrayals are a disadvantage, as they make the entire armies look obsolete, and sooner or later people will bring point “welp if he/she was able to do that before, why not using it now?”.

THAT, and the example of humans excceding in fields where others should’ve had advantage logically, I’m not talking about exceptional heroes, I’m talking about regular types of soldiers managing to defend/ fight much grander enemies without possesing any actual item/ thingy that could give them logical advantage.

They have quite a big roster of characters. But they’re as you pointed out meaningless because Blizz writers want to focus on their chosen darlings. I agree that much better would be a proper exploration of their townsfolk, of their minor heroes, advantages and disadvantages. What do population think? etc etc.

So sometimes less is more. And I wish writers had your mindset.

Now regarding our precious nelfies - to be perfectly honest I DO get a vibe that lots of their playerbase unironically believe that they’re best at everything, and take an issue when they’re not rolfstomping everyone on their path. I don’t get where they get it from, but that was my impression.

So they’re setting themselves for disappointment if they have this mindset. They had victories and loses. They had silly lore and meaningful lore. At one side they want to be top dog that wants to be the one to dictate the conditions on how entire fraction has to work on another side they don’t want to have anything to do with Alliance.

What I think is the CORE issue of Alliance is that it’s sub factions were denied their own narration. Now everyone has to follow on what Anduin decides for some reason, heck even Moira/ Dark Irons were Anduinised. If night elves, worgen, gnomes and dwarves had their own objectives, politics as Alliance is supposed to work (as union of separate kingdoms) they’d be in much better position. But devs decided that it has to be super homogenic, goodie two shoe faction, that can’t do no wrong apparently. And they set up humans as the those who are in charge of this faction, so we get sprinkled over lots of human characters, but as you said they’re mostly just there.

What I’d do would be to break this faction to what it was supposed to be, and give back proper identity to each sub faction instead of homogenising them and making out of them unappealing hive mind.


The only thing I want is people to respect human narrative problems. That’s all. As a human fan, I need to put up with crappy lore as much as the other person (better then some, worse then others) and I am getting sick of people telling me I have it great.

That’s about it.


Yeah got it, :wink: Just wanted to add my 3 coins.


i for one like to see the rise of the dwarven empire only for it to get crushed because its not the human potential tm :stuck_out_tongue:

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