Night Elf RP guild

Hello folk, am lookin’ for a roleplay guild for my Night elf magic boi.

Sorta looking for an military one where a bloke who pours over books for hours on end and loves a good scrap will fit in.


I would HIGHLY recommend the [Dirge of Teldrassil]

Great guys OOC, interesting characters & plots, + Military themed! - You can find out more here.


I second that, very good & cool people - by the sounds of it you’ll fit in with the Dirge well


There is us! The Moonlight Embrace. A Night Elf and Worgen guild. We are currently on a big campaign in Uldum with a lot of other guilds.


I can more than happily suggest the Moonlight Embrace, a really wonderful and welcoming lot, IC AND OOC. - Truly a great home.

I’ll also plug my own Kaldorei guild because, - mood. But, we’re already planning work with the Embrace so if you join either we’ll get the pleasure of working with you. :smiley:


I also highly recommend Wisplight Willow. Nothing but good things to say about them. Check them out.


I’d highly recommend Starweavers

Been RPing with them a fair bit, great bunch, lots of magical shenanigans! Seems right up your street my friend!


I should get paid for how often I suggest Moonlight Embrace to folk. They’re a lovely group, with interesting characters, a fun dynamic without losing the grim touch in the wake of the war, and are always up to one thing or another.

I totally second the above recommendations!


Thank you for recommending us. Depending on how much military action you want to see Starweavers may be good fit or not.

We will for damn sure have stories focused around combat and serving Kaldorei and the Alliance. Though I do not plan to make it the heart of our existence. If you look for all stories to be warzone - not sure who I can recommend.

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If you are looking for something military-esque, I would (as others have already suggested), recommend that you check out Dirge of Teldrassil!

We play out a lot of events through the week - fully NPC’d (we try to avoid raid markers entirely for an authentic experience!) and get up to RP-PvP to fight real Horde guilds as well!

Always looking for able-bodied night elves and worgen to join our cause.


As the Dirge of Teldrassil’s resident Highborne, I fully recommend the guild. Never a dull moment, plenty of opportunity for fights, all round great people!


Whisplight Willow or Moonlight Embrace are the only real choice tbh fam

This is the last one I’m doing until I get paid.

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Reminder that joining either Wisplight Willow, or as Erena says with her lisp: “Whisplight willow” or Moonlight Embrace, will get you into the:

H A I D E N E - G A N G

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I’d also recommend Moonlight Melody-- they’re a lovely bunch to chat with OOC and they’re great roleplayers too!

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