Night elf shamans?


i was wondering if yall think night elfs can be shamans? would love to be able to play shammy nelf, or maybe it makes no lore sense?
is it a possibility thay they implement that? :ocean:

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It might be possible. In (Cataclysm I think it was?) Night Elves became Mages, when lore-wise both Malfurion and Tyrande were strictly against using magic, especially arcane magic because of the beef they got against Azshara but the game decided to allow them to become mages later on.
Plus if memory serves me correctly, I think it was thanks to the Dreanei that the Dwarves were able to practice shamanism, since I believe they were the race who taught the Dwarves about harnessing the power of the elements.

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they shouldn’t have stopped doing all classes all races thing… we have orc priest but not belf druids


I cannot for the life of me understand why we don’t have dracthyr shaman.

Wisps are ancestors and they ‘believe’ in the elements so why not. However… paladins first

Night elves were THE mages until they got banished. It was more of a welcome back.

Lorewise they are druids. One with Nature.
As Thrall said once to Malfurion: “Demand? We do not demand! We ask the elements. And accept no as an answer!”

There is a huge difference between shamans and druids, mostly in the way they communicate with nature. For druids nature is one big entity. For shamans its more then one.

Dont see how that is going to fit in the lore, but after dealing with Blizzard for more then 17 years: who knows…

They had the perfect chance to implement this with DF: Primalist NE returning to the Alliance after realizing Fyrakk went crazy; now the ship has somewhat sailed… still hope we’ll get them one day - as well as NE Palas.

We killed those who became Shaman in Dragonflight, remember?
The primalists

The ONLY reason I would play a Nelf Shammy is for Shadowmeld, as Draenai we don’t have any ‘oh :poop:’ defensives :rofl:

You can’t have enough panic buttons, that is true

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And there was also more than one questline about some feeling regrettful and abandoning the primalists; doesn’t mean they also abandoned their new powers. They should have added NE shamans in DF…

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Lorewise it now works. Night Elf shamans already exist in Bel Ameth, they’re primalists under the Warden’s watch. So once redeemed, the class would make sense for Night Elves.

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Once I wanted NE be shaman… Since I dont fan dwarf or draenei as shaman since tmog look weird.
NE would look cool as shaman tmog for me.

But, waiting what if we get new allied race call “harronir” next year with story .

Harronir are like NE animation. If they can use shaman class. I would love it

You will use your little over time racial healing and you will like it.


I do I do, I will I will :rofl: