Night Elves customization: the Highborne (NOT High Elves)

Lets hope that those 40 new customizations are not the same faces with blue eyes x10 like it was with golden version :sweat_smile:

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Oh you know the blue eyes are gonna happen.

The forums will explode.

Maybe I am just a weirdo, but if Blizzard decided to settle it once and forever with that, I’d be totally fine with it.

All I do ask of them is some nice options for the Night Elves to distinguish and make customizable that part of the Highborne who never became high/blood elves and returned to their people after the Cataclysm, as already established by the game lore.

Even just jewelry and some new very fancy hairstyles could appeal, although slightly different ears or skin tones would be awesome.

Night elves already have both gold (males) and silver (females) eye options after all. If they became a separated choice from the face it would become possible to have pink skin, white hair, and golden eyes. :wink:


So, Naga it is :stuck_out_tongue:

Just kidding. Yea i’m all in for giving Night Elves more options. I do like the race.


Errrr… :sweat_smile:

Thanks, that means a lot to me, coming from a cousin of some sorts. I find it very sad to see people from opposite factions argue over elven ownership all the time. :wink:


I like to troll from time to time but some people take things too seriously.

As for what faction should have the elves.Who cares.This is not middle earth , it’s not the forgotten realms.

It’s warcraft, it’s own thing.Anything goes.


Link to Concept Art:
(Sadly I cannot post proper links or embed images yet!) :frowning:

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I assume Bronzebeards can get tattoos and a haircut without changing clan.

As far as I can tell there is no specific reason why the Night Elves could not be given a choice between slightly different shapes of ears seen that Blizzard has been showing to be willing to put in extra work on totally new customizations at this point, changing the eyes for everybody and even adding healthy skins for the undead.

I think that the Night Elf Highborne may have pointy ears tilted up based on the fact that the Shan’dralar are the missing link between the Night Elves and the High/Blood Elf and Nightborne evolutions, and both the Nightborne and High/Blood Elves have them… but seriously, even if not, we could be getting them just because the it is a default feature on all the other races with big ears: Worgen, Goblin and Vulpera.

Edit: Actually, I just realized that the statues in the Highborne city of Eldre’Thalas (Dire Maul) sport figures with ears tilted upwards, and similar ancient statues are to be found in many other places in Azeroth, mostly by ancient Highborne city ruins.


Been digging around and I found this on the Night Elf page on wowpedia, quoting information listed on Blizzard’s official website when it gave announcements of the incoming Cataclysm features:

“The Shen'dralar were allowed a cautious return among their kaldorei brethren, with some young night elves being trained by them to become new night elven mages, and, conversely, some of the Highborne taking up the Druidic arts or being initiated into Elune priesthood, major societal changes that marked the first steps towards reconciliation between the Highborne and wider night elven society.”

I believe this settles the specific issue once and for all? :slight_smile:

As stated above, citing Blizzard, the Highborne have already been reintegrated within the Night Elves society since the Cataclysm, so any Night Elf character could rightfully sport their appearance even if this was decided to be slightly different as a motivation to add new customizations to the Night Elf palette. As for other customizations already revealed for other races, it can be something as simple as an extra choice led by the player’s taste.

Just think of it: both dwarves and trolls (dunno about undead tbh, although the unrotten option is also quite astonishing and new) can now sport some totally new choice of skins ‘without changing clan’ either… or think about the totally new appearances added for the humans! It is just assumed they always were around, and we just never noticed them.

The same can happen with Night Elves Highborne, who have been around since Cataclysm.

And if Blizzard needs to update some npcs, they can do that, just like they are updating everybody’s eyes.

I also think it is safe to say that when a character changes SKIN color at the barber shop, it is still assumed they had always been that way since birth, right? :wink:

I get your point and I’m not against a mire highborne look at all.

I just wouldn’t use the dwarfs as argument because they just get a haircut.

I don’t play NE, but I totally would go for more distinguished druidic, wild looks instead of more civilized. Like more, wilder beards, claw like fingernails.

Like the druid of the claw in WC3. Or Malfurion.

But either way is fine. More diversity is good.

I thought they also had new darker skin tones?

Anyway, if it is not the dwarves, you can think about the troll skins, the non-rotting undead, and the new faces for the humans. All new features that show Blizzard’s willingness to just implement more options.

I honestly think we should and could get both the options.

So a player could have a totally different bearded, wild Druid, and posh mage.

If you ask me, Highborne features (jewelry, earrings etc - such as the artwork for Azshara, Vashj, but also indeed, Xavius and Pero’tharn) should have a more “Highborne-ish” dedication.

However, I think Blizzard should also put a huge amount of dedication towards the Druids, Hunters and really embrace what it means to be a Night Elf. Leaf earrings, crescent moon-like pendants/necklaces.

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I see no reason why could not or should not dream of both things. :slight_smile:

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