No. I’m just sick of anti-night elf people like you claiming to be night elf fans when that clearly isn’t the case.
No stall for you. The Khan of Gilneas had declared it. It shall be so.
How is it clearly not the case? Because I returned to the game to play Classic and tried out something else after a decade and a half of playing Night Elves?
I appreciate you trying to claim to personally know me from judging the character I just happen to currently be playing as.
No true night elf fan would ever touch a forsaken, in classic or otherwise. You probably main a human male paladin. Anyway I’m done talking to you, I’ve wasted enough mental energy on anti-night elves who just want to hurt me and those like me. This forum needs a block option.
Oh wait…
Alas, great gatekeeper, I suppose the literal thousands of words about and concerning night elves that I’ve written, the hundreds of hours writing Night Elf stories and the actual attempts to breathe life into the NE RP community in my own right are worth nothing because my current avatar is red.
Take care, I guess.
Would you like to join the SF discord?
I would! Where do I apply to join?
You are trolling, aren’t you? Cause that’s so incredibly ignorant I can’t believe someone would actually use it as an argument.
Why would a true night elf fan ever touch a Forsaken alt after Teldrassil? Explain me that.
Only if you explain what a true nelf fan is.
Someone who actually likes night elves. Mains one. wants to see their enemies destroyed. Is against cross-species relationships. Wants vengeance for Teldrassil. Hates Anduin. Doesn’t play a human male paladin or a forsaken. Seeks a Kaldorei ethnostate and independence from the Alliance.
Hey, wanna date me?
Stop harassing me, I’m done talking with you.
I can change!
Ugh, you started out so nicely then you went on to that crap. That’s not a nelf fan, that’s a deluded, entitled person.
To answer why a normal nelf player would play a forsaken - out of curiosity.
No, you can’t. Night Elves can’t be Paladins.
You forsake your human potential by seeking to breed with inferior species. You are a traitor. You will be reprogrammed.
To be fair, I did not imply “breeding” anywhere!
Delas Moonfang!
Because the Hydraxian Waterlords server has a Southshore guild and initiative but was struggling to get the Horde on board with guilds, so I offered to start Tarren Mill to provide greater role-playing opportunities across the board to try to help a new server grow.
Check (on retail).
Check (in-character for my Night Elf characters).
Shandris is not a true Night Elf fan.
Sounds like a personal issue.
Sounds like a personal issue.
So most the actual Night Elves are not true Night Elf fans as the ethnostate position is not a prominent one and hasn’t been for years for actual Night Elves in-game. But yes, my RP character is of that position.
… sounds like you’re projecting a bunch of your personal issues to gatekeep what being a fan of something (aka liking a thing) is.