Night Elves: "missing" skin tones for males and females - pls fix!

Night Elves are probably the only race which don’t share equivalent skin tones between males and females.

Makes even less sense now that silver and golden eye colors are available to both.

Please fix this! :yellow_heart:

To get an idea:


Sounds legit.


This makes more sense than Blizzard’s story-writing! :laughing: Sorry, I’m in a jokey mood today haha.


In before horde joking about a charcoal skin option…


Well it seems the burn scar may be named “Teldrassil” on the customization page, lol.

Anyhows, there truly are no longer (if there ever were?) reasons for male and female skin tones to be different.

Would be nice to see night elf males with lighter and more saturated skins and females with the dark brown and purples currently reserved for the males.


In reality NEs should have only this option.

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Works for me if that’s a good excuse for a undead ‘Dark Ranger’ kind of Night Elf. Calia would be so proud of us. :wink:

But that’s not what this topic is about. :slight_smile:

(edit: typos)

One of the new eye colors, for the female night elves, is a “Blind Gold” color, which has a very subtle “reddish” tint to it.
I suppose, with the right gear (Mythic Eagletalon), then you could create a really good looking Kaldorei Dark Ranger.

It’s interesting how Blood Elves don’t get those eyes subtle shades of red, yet Night Elves do.

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I do wonder if now that the skin color palette is displayed visually on beta, the differences between the male and female ranges has become more obvious?

I really wish nelf females could be as dark as the darkest purple males (and the other way around ofc).

Afaik they edited the option now, so it is only available for one eye at a time (not both) and as a combo with some of the scarring.

So no way to have a red-eyed nelf for now.

Also, the Death Knight Night Elf hair colors are now also available to non-DK classes, but there is an issue I wish to get fixed in upcoming Beta builds:

  • Female Night Elves only got Male Death Knight colors - Light Purple, Light Black

  • Male Night Elves got Female colors - Bright Purple, Hot Pink

I hope they consider making all available to both genders, including these skin options.


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