Nightborne: the fixes we need

Hey Heavenseeker, it was the old forum therefore that link won’t work, however the imgur links are working


So we need a complete rework to make them look more like the npcs?

Well kind off?

I would add recommendations for changes to their “deal 1% more magic damage” to something along the lines of “your attacks and abilities deal 1% additional damage and healing as Arcane” because no other “throughput” passive racial on other races has the distinction of being totally useless on certain classes and almost entirely useless on others.

Yes it’s very racially fitting, but my suggestion above would be equally so I believe.

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Just quoting OP to insert the images for them.


Personally, after some more NPC-looking faces are added as customization, I would also loooooove it if they added some Nightfallen customization.


Great Post, I too love the nightborne but they really do need some work.


That’s why we need them to hear it

A bit tweaked female Nightborne idle animation/stance would be good as well IMHO. I mean I understand what it tries to convey but still, a bit over the top…


I think they should fix this because you are so passionate about it :slight_smile:


Not only me, many others want this too. But our voice is not enough as high elf fanatics.


I am happy with my nightborne.

I just want them to look like the NPCs


“Firstly, faces. Nightborne faces look almost directly copied and edited from Night Elven character counterparts. This is especially true with the males. When you compare a Nightborne male NPC to a male player, it’s not even remotely close. The Nightborne NPC males are very gaunt-faced, with narrow features, yet stern looks. Player faces for males look fat, and their ears are far too wide, taking up nearly half the head”

– I don’t agree on this. The faces of player male NB look gaunt, thin and wise or stern, as you describe the NPCs.

I agree. It would be nice to have more colours for the jewellery.

I agree also that it would be nice to have different ear options.

The heritage armour I think is good and in need of no changes. I also disagree with you about our racials. They are fine. However, in shadowlands, warrior recently got it’s some slow buffed in strength. I am unsure of the nightborne active, in it’s current state, has any useful situation to any class in the game. It’s still cool as an animation to none-mage characters. It should be named cantrip, suggesting that all members of the nightborne race has knowledge of minor spells. The tome should be called arcane mailbox. Cantrip for the tome is confusing.

The models look ugly in some regards. Too big hands on males, and too thin legs. The famale does look odd, I agree, in the part about the hips portruding promiscuously, as if offering the fruit to the first taker


Won’t give up until I see npc face options :sweat_smile:


Can you imagine if the Vulpera or the Kul Tirans looked so different from the NPCs in game. For some reason it’s acceptable with the Nightborne.


I mean, they don’t even accept the fact that the Nightborne was rushed, (in Q&A Ion said we will add customizations if we feel like it is lacking)

However Blizzard still uses NPC models of the Nightborne not player models. Which means even they are ashamed of the look of the playable Nightborne.

In Zandalar Npc models, war campaign Npc models, even mission table soldier Nightbornes are Npc models.

It really hurts me seeing how they ignore the fact that we need rework.


hetige armor is just so ugly …

and no dark gray skin alterative

The only thing I don’t agree with is the dried up faces and bodies. They are NB elves not wretched or whatever those are called. And to be honest in my opinion I don’t think many will want to play that bad guy from Harry Potter.

But I fully agree with the heritage armor. I laughed my rear off when they showed it. What was the logic behind it, I’m sure I don’t know but from where I’m standing the playable nb were the shy ones, given that most of their race shows quite a bit of skin while the heritage armor shows none. So if anyone has any theories to why they went with that prude borne robe please enlighten me.

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When you make a Nightborne you see the old models standing there, and 1: taller than you, 2: doesn’t look like you 3: looks waaay cooler.

I dunno why blizzard thought it was a good idea to re-create them to look like a teenager Night Elf…