Nightfae for Shadow?

So who has/is going to switch to Night Fae? Not sure what do myself but seems to be the way to go?

It always depends on what you want to play in this game.

If you are playing mythic content and really want to progress with no interest in pvp, NF is miles ahead of everything else. People will always comment with some sims they read from bloodmallet or “good” experience they made with other covenants but they would do always better with NF. Its also a matter of a dislike to the faires which keeps ppl staying away from NF, but a true mythic raider would even join a bunch of dancing monkeys just if its better for the raid.

Everyones goal in mythic progression should be reaching top performances to achieve boss kills (i do not speak only of top logs) and with NF you dont only have better playstyle and better dmg (yes its a lot better than every sim), you also have that blessed for SP skill called soulshape, which is really something you want to have because of the garbage movement we have.

Remember, this desicion is just for shadow priest. If you plan to play other speccs or heroic raid content, you can definitely pick other covenants too.

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