What is in your opinion the minimum gear for this raid, post nerf? I got kicked by a huge sweatlord on Living Flame, but I wanted to check on the forum what are the expectations
I don’t think you need to be super geared after all those nerfs. But when people doing it for 1st time, i think they don’t want to risk and take very low-geared people. And also it depends of group size, in 30 people it ofc can be done with less geared ppl then 15 ppl
A mix of t1 and t2 real/ZG gear should suffice.
The most people who start groups for raids or premade pvp are often skilled and want stuff to go smooth and fast.
There is a larg amount of people who wants dungeon finder so it will be easier for cassuals to do things.
The problem is you need some skilled and folks who knows how things work to make a run as smoot as possible.
I did a few runs whit a guild when MC was out and they wasent so good but they took it easy and now they are still going and they are much better now.
Trye to find a guild like that.