Ninja looting

Is there any ninja loot punishment? I see people spam need on gear that can wear for example rogue mail. Is this seriously so hard to ban giving need on gear that you can wear as your class?

Or this is another “classic experience”? 2024 and cant provide simple solutions to have fun from game.

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Usually the community gives out punishments, such as excluding them from social experiences. Blizzard however can only intervene when clear raid loot rules are given… Which up next:

If they use the ingame systems (Group Loot) where a popup appears to select Need, Greed, Disenchant, it is not against the game rules to select Need.

So technically, since they can Need on it being in the same dungeon. Is it nice? No. But the system gives them this option in Classic series.

It is indeed a Classic experience, because it is more strictly defined in Retail. That is how it is.

If you like to see Blizzard change the loot systems you can also suggest it through the ingame box.

This is normal type of behaviour in every start of expansion. If you ask them why, reason for need is: Gear can be sold for G - we all need G - ergo we Need anything.
Only retaliation is put on list, never group again. Is mostly rampant on bigger servers (and PvP)

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Incredibly poor game design by blizz:)

I applaud your optimism :clap:

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I misread it, but the point stands that it was the same Classic loot system, if you want to see it changed that is your best bet lacking mass forum attention.

There’s not many others who think the same atleast.

Hence it was eventually changed with the same suggestions in later retail but to preserve Classic experiences as much as possible certain systems were left unchanged.

Yes yes we also have this discussion on retail when players select 'Need" in LFR only then to turn around and attempt to sell it for gold.

If you dislike the Classic Experience, retail is your game mode then. But as I remarked, the same community defined “ninjalooting” is also prevalent here (No Blizzard rules are broken)

Basically your only option if you want to see this changed is through the ingame suggestion box.

The situation is very clear.
If u can wear it u can need it. If you are not even able to wear the item you dont NEED it. The word need means clearly what is it about.

If u want to sell it there is option GREED. Everyone can greed to sell it. But only people who can wear item can REALLY “Need it”. Lets not hide whole the time on stupid things that make gameplay worse “classic experience” “classic experience”.

This how it should be - and how I play :smiley:

I hope you’re paid for this and you aren’t doing the tech support of a mega conglomerate for free.


If in LFG request vote kick. If group is fine with ninja being among them leave yourself. Nothing more to be done.

… plus in OG Cata we had GM - blue ones - they often came help with bad ninjas.
This is one great lack in Classic.

I tend to keep that mentality as well and furthermore limiting it to my current spec. Even if I offspec Ret I won’t roll Need on Ret Gear unless somehow there’s no Plate DPS and even then I usually bother to ask if the group’s ok with it.

But alas, game could be decent (if buggy) but community’s s*#$ is a sentiment of mine as far as WoW goes


Not quiet - back in the day patch 3.3.0 introduced need before greed system, and cata had it as well, which didn’t allow you to roll for item that isn’t appropriate for your class. So it doesn’t behave as it did in original cata.
Quote from patch note:

  • Need Before Greed will now recognize gear appropriate for a class in three ways: the class must be able to equip the item, pure melee will be unable to roll on spell power items, and classes are limited to their dominant armor type (ex. paladins for plate). All items will still be available via Greed rolls as well as the new Disenchant option should no member be able to use the item.

Can’t remember the expansion but at some point Blizzard made it impossible to need on mail as a Rogue, to fix this issue. It does happen, but it’s very rare in my experience, I can probably count on one hand the times it has happened in the last decade in a typical dungeon.

The one that happens a lot is people rolling need on multiple specs though, that gets annoying.

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