No 8.2.5 download

Hey there, I relogged in to my blizzard launcher this morning and my background downloader started but after a few mins it just stopped and hasn’t restarted. I’ve restarted, relogged and still nothing seems to be there to download several people in game also have the same issue have you pulled the update?

Don’t worry, it’s not out for a little while yet, it will likely start again after a reboot of your PC or the Bnet Agent.

Already done that :cry:

Hi, Dragonsworn! o/

As Shammoz said, I wouldn’t worry too much yet, as the patch still won’t come out for a few days, so we have time to troubleshoot this :slight_smile:

What’s probably happening is that either you have the option disabled, or there’s an update missing in your Blizzard launcher. Let’s start checking the options.

In the launcher, click on the Blizzard logo, o the top left, and go to Settings. There, go to the Game Install/Update category, and scroll to the bottom. You’ll see a section for Automatic Updates. Make sure that “Apply latest updates and download future patch data for recently played games” is selected.

If after a few minutes the download doesn’t start, then uninstall the launcher following these steps:

Then, download the application again, and install it. That should do the trick :slight_smile:

Still not working, I get the green arrow if I hover over it the progress bar appears then it just stops.

Its almost as if I connect and the servers are to overwhelmed so my download is kicked or the download just isn’t there, after doing a shout out in boralus apparently its a common problem and alot of people are having it even my guild are experiencing it :cry:

Hi again, Dragonsworn! o/

If you are getting the green arrow, that means that the game is trying to download the patch, and there’s a connection issue or a permissions issue preventing the launcher from completing it.

First of all, back in the Game Install/Update settings, make sure that the option to “Pause updates when I launch a game” is not activated. Also, change the network bandwidth for future patch data to 0 (so it’s unlimited).

If that doesn’t work, check out this article with some tips regarding these kinds of issues (obviously, you can ignore the uninstall the game one for the time being):

Already done that

Hey there Dragonsworn :slight_smile:

Would you mind providing us with a copy of your dxdiag and msinfo diagnostic files?

Since they can be difficult to paste here due to their size, you may want to upload them to an external site (eg. Pastebin) and simply provide us with a link ^^

Ummm I’m gonna eat humble pie I decided to install the ptr as I was told that it would copy over to retail on release.

I installed the ptr which was only a hundred or so megabytes and I could log in with out needing the 7gb 8.2.5 download I’m kinda guessing it’s already downloaded and must of done when I played the other day. I’m really sorry if that’s the case and sorry if I wasted you time. I’m now gonna throw myself in to molten core and allow the lava consume me.