Hi !
I don’t know if this is the correct place to ask this question but basically whatt he title says. I completed the Traveler’s Log bar and the game tells me to go back to the trading post to get my reward. But when I get the rewards from the chest, all I got was some Tender Coins. And even so, I apparently didn’t get the coins either because in the shop I see that the new coins I just got aren’t here.
So is it like a end of the month thing or is it a bug or something ?
Thanks everyone in advance !
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Same here, opened the chest, got only 200 tokens, didn’t get the loot NOR the tokens. Submittet a ticket. Somewhere I read if you exit the game for about 15 minutes, the chest becomes lootable, but it didn’t help me either (completely logged out for half an hour). I really hope they’ll address this bug soon, I’d be very upset if I missed this mount.
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Yes, I tried to relog to but nothing.
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Had the last batch of tenders and mount to claim as well. Relogged several times including to a character who made the last purchase but nothing. I’ve yet to wait out the suggested period though. Seen a few general chat complaints too.
FWIW the Traveler’s Log says that I’ve already claimed all rewards, which is not true. I made sure the mount is not in the journal or mail.
edit: Waited over 45 minutes off the game, nothing
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Yeah tbh I don’t relog will do anything.
Sam issue here - filled the bar got 300 tender total (out of supposed 500) and no mount.
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same here only got some tender out of it and the ui (no addons) also shows it finished.
Mhm, here it only says that I collected all the rewards for this month - no mount granted and unable to open the chest whatsoever.
This is currently being looked into - unfortunately no ETA for a solution yet, but this is a priority for us to sort out.
Me too. Pretty sure I was also shortchanged on my trader currency too when I last opened the chest. Now I can’t open it and still no mount. I’ve relogged several times and waited overnight, but still nada. All of my mounts are redded out in the collections tab too.
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Same here, tried on all my different toons and now the traveler’s log just reseted… But strangely I got the pandaren Kite which I didn’t have before so I think the game just counted me the mount as in my collection even though I can’t see it.
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This is a priority …
What kind of priority?
Same as the FPS stuttering, the Dragonriding disconnections if you use click to move, spam a bit too much, right click while flying, or fly too close to a building, a cliff, a rock, or the characters still randomly stuck in instances, and the unlock service completely ineffective, or the …?
Oh well, nevermind.
I do some activities and I can’t loot the chest. Now I have done all activities and still can’t loot chest or got the mount. Use this post, instead to make new. There was really buggy progress. When go out of BG, some times was shown as zero, next time shows less, really strange.
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Same thing here. Got my 1,000 points on Saturday, no mount in the cache. Now I can’t interact with it.
My other half looted the cache at the same time and got the mount.
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Same for me, is it bugged?
No mount here and I can’t open the chest 
It is still bugged.
We need an ETA on fix and if it can’t be fixed just give out the mount to the whole WoW community for free this time around; we are currently not being rewarded for given efforts. Not only this fix, but the immense stuttering must be fixed asap
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I finally got it after few days lol. The Mount but not all the Tender coins yet.
Anyone having thi issue, just do a scan and repair, it WILL fix this, you may notice if you havent got the reward mount that when opening the mounts list that it isnt on the list at all, its because for some reason you are lacking the files, just do a scan and repair, it will download the files you need and you will get the mount and missing tendies when you log back in. Hopefully Bliz sticky this as it 100% works every time for people ive told about it.