No Buffs/Changes on the PTR

Eh, those nerfs was well deserved. Those specs far out of line.

Can’t say I agree with you. Those specs performed incredibly well and the goal should’ve been to bring as many of the less favoured specs in line with those 3.

And thats were you are wrong, thats pure power creep.

And all they had to do to achieve that is remove AoE cap. Funny.

The raid test yesterday was showing dh under top 5 dps.

Like that hasn’t been a thing in every patch and expansion so far…
It baffles me how people can be so afraid of “the power creep”.
You buff specs that have a hard time to bring them more in line with top specs and then nothing says you can’t bring them down 2-3% with either aura nerfs or targeted nerfs to specific abilities. As far as the game is concerned, devs are gods, they have the power to change anything in it.

That ship has sailed this expac and honestly I’d be incredibly surprised if they bother to remove the aoe cap next expac. To them, it was a good decision because dungeons needed to “slow down”. Guess reaping being the most loved affix so far didn’t clue them in.

They weren’t in the patch notes because the nerf applied to something that technically hasn’t been in the game. The ranks of the conduit that got nerfed are above 226.

You may not use it atm but it’s likely to be the choice for the 3rd conduit in raid.

Apparently most the raid bosses have adds in the next tier so havoc could do quite well, fingers crossed.

Why are they more warlocks on the dh forums than on the lock forums ? Seriously there is at least one of you on every thread.

They think this is demonology warlock forum :slight_smile:

They’re still angry over the fact that Metamorphosis never truly belonged to them.

DH just got some ST buffs on the PTR:

Chaos Strike: Slice your target for [(38.5%44.275% of Attack power) + (60.5%69.575% of Attack power)] Chaos damage. Chaos Strike has a 20% chance to refund 20 Fury.

Demon’s Bite: Quickly attack for (49.8069%57.2779% of Attack power) Physical damage.
Generates 20 to 30 Fury.


Wait… Demon Blades now further falling behind?

From mmo-champion

  • Havoc
    • Demon’s Bite damage increased by 15%.
    • Demon Blades (Talent) damage increased by 15%.
    • Chaos Strike damage increased by 15%.
    • Annihilation damage increased by 15%.
    • Unbound Chaos (Talent) now increases the damage of your next Fel Rush by 500% (was 600%).

wonder how many will come back.

…and go again when the next ptr changes happen. :smiley:

A lot. This change feels more like an adjustment than an actual buff.

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