No bug report section on EU?

This makes me think it’s not intended

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Most of those rights don’t actually apply to digital goods, only to physical goods. The law needs to catch up.

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Not that anyone is actually being prevented from complaining about a product or service.

The bug report system is obviously suffering some kind of hiccup atm and a work around has been found. You posted it yourself the other day, I just expanded on that with a guide an MVP wrote.

Yes it’s inconvenient and slightly tedious if you want to post on the US bug report forum but that is also possible.

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Actually, you don’t have a right to complain. That’s a Karen thing.

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Same way lootboxes aren’t actually gambling? :wink:

Trovlak and Punyelf, since both of you have US access, would you mind logging into the game and checking if the interface is any different while we’re waiting on our resident blue to come up with an answer?

As of 4:19am UK, support page in-game has returned to normal. Small redesign.

Submit feedback or bug report is now the first option.

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It was missing on the US, sorry I didn’t see this reply earlier.

However it sounds like all has been restored. Which is good news.

It looks like the patch broke the ribbon that contained “Submit feedback or bug report” etc as it no longer shows.
This is how it looks now :
This is how it should look :

It looks like the patch moved it away from the game client, into the BattleNet client.

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Thanks for the info.
Well that is rather dumb if intended as there is no info on any of the links I followed from the in-game support. They all still reference using the in-game reporting feature. Makes me think that the client links were already there. Also none of the other options are present, item restoration etc.

Case study on how to make the service worse, as if figuring out how to open a ticket and get in contact with an actual human being hasn’t been complicated enough.

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Able to report bugs etc once again within game.

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Yep. I noticed when I tried again yesterday :slight_smile: