I expect free migration from kazzak
None of my Kazzak characters are loading.
Blizzard if you cannot fix this give us free character transfer to any EU realms.
I have same problem … plz free migration from kazzak thanks!
Kazzak is dead, yet again. Imagine paying for this.
i have same problem it is a shame that i took leave to play SL and already at 11am we are having problems to login.
i am not saying it would be acceptable but in a way i would accept facing these problems at 6pm - 8pm after a high influx of ppl logging in after work
Honestly Blizzard, can you do some serious work now on Kazzak? it is so bad Since launch constant problems and stuck watching a loading screen!!!
Same problem here
This was happening last night too. It takes a few mins for them to load once you get to the character select screen.
Hey wow devs, please let us in!!! i took leave to play and not stare at warcraft streamers playing
rly? because i#ve been stuck in a black screen for over 20mins, should i try to logout and login?!
Same here, and logout/login again doesn’t change it.
I have been waiting for 15 minutes at that black screen and the chars aren’t loading.
I had the same issue last night, and had it now aswell - and just like last night, my blank char screen just fills up randomly again at a point after 10 mins ish. Just happened now aswell… Not sure what triggers it though… (Doesn’t mean that i’m past the unending loading screen though)
Yesterday evening, after 3 hours in que, I finally turned off the game and went to sleep. There are no queues since the morning, but the screen does not show any characters. This is starting to look like a ‘not funny’ joke.
Just got and start replying to blue comments on minor issues that they seem capable of fixing, and ask for answers on Kazzak.
Yip, sat at the blank screen for about 10mins before they loaded
Nothing here yet…
This is a joke!! for me to play i had to wake up at 3am so i can log in on KAZZAK EU and nowwwwwwww at 11am after taking a short break i come back to my pc to find out that i cant login back and continue questing. been waiting for over 30mins
in our lord and savior voice Asmongold i call the help of BLizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzAAAAAAARDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
No server fixes, no free transfers and not even a blue post acknowledging that there is a problem with this server. Absolutely criminal level of customer service, disgusting.
Where is the blue post acknowledging this issue?
Are you joking? With the money you get from subs cant you have a good server?
this is a joke, ive spent 100euros (purchase game and sub) to not be able and login and i cant imagine the other thousand of players who did the same, but expansion after expansion its the same problem